Cheryl Kline interview
Wednesday, July 16, 2014 ā 3:10 p.m.
Cheryl Kline is the Fines' downstairs neighbor at the Oxford Ridge Apartments.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy interviewed her at her apartment.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Cheryl Kline
Detective Armstrong: Thanks for allowing us to have some of your time.
Cheryl Kline: Is this going to take long? I have things I have to do.
Detective Armstrong: We'll take as little time as possible.
Cheryl Kline: Hey, I agreed to an interview, but I ain't making no court appearances.
Detective Murphy: We'll worry about that later. Besides, no one mentioned court. Please state your name and address for the record.
Cheryl Kline: Yeah, my name is Cheryl Kline, and I live at 594 Hathorn Road here in Oxford.
Detective Murphy: We noticed you live below the Fines. That's why we're here. We need some information concerning Mr. Fine. Do you know him?
Cheryl Kline: Unfortunately, I do. Constant noise when he's there. What a loser! It's either the stereo or his big mouth. Always yelling.
Detective Murphy: Is that right? What's it like when he isn't around?
Cheryl Kline: It's quiet. Cindy minds her own business. I hardly ever see her. Kinda shy, I think. The last time I saw her, she looked like she was in a battle, bruises and small cuts. Other than that, I don't know too much else.
Detective Armstrong: Are you on a first-name basis with Cindy?
Cheryl Kline: Yeah, you could say that. I mean we aren't like in the same social clubs or nothing.
Detective Murphy: Do remember what were you doing late on the night of July 3rd, say around 1:30, 2:00 a.m.?
Cheryl Kline: I was sound asleep, like every night. Except when there's something going on upstairs in the middle of the night.
Detective Murphy: Did you hear anything at all that night, particularly from upstairs at the Fines' apartment?
Cheryl Kline: I heard someone coming in around 12:30 or so. After that, I went to bed.
Detective Murphy: That was two weeks ago. Why do you remember the time so clearly?
Cheryl Kline: I'll tell you why. Damn firecrackers!
Detective Murphy: I'm sorry? What do you mean?
Cheryl Kline: Damn firecrackers! Fourth of July, every idiot in the city thinks they gotta set off firecrackers the whole damn weekend. I hate that shit! Pardon my French, but it just really bugs me.
Detective Murphy: I understand. So that's why you remember that night?
Cheryl Kline: Yeah. I thought I'd never get to sleep that night. I had half an idea it was that Andy Fine out there lighting off firecrackers in the parking lot, but I wasn't about to look out there and find out or tell him to stop. That man probably would've just thrown a lit firecracker at me or worse! When I heard them go in upstairs, I figured I'd finally be able to get some sleep.
Detective Armstrong: You heard both of them go in or only one?
Cheryl Kline: I don't know. One. Both. What difference does it make? Alls I know is, it got quiet then, and that's all I cared about.
Detective Armstrong: Did you hear anything after that? After 12:30 or so?
Cheryl Kline: I was asleep after that. I don't remember hearing anything else.
Detective Murphy: When was the last time you actually saw Andy Fine?
Cheryl Kline: I try not to see the guy if you know what I mean. He makes me sick just to look at him. He should be shot the way he treats his wife. Anyway, it was a while ago. Cindy and him were going someplace. They were more dressed up than usual. I don't talk to Cindy when he's around. He gets real P.O.-ed, and I don't want to make things worse for her.
Detective Murphy: When you say it was a while ago, what do you mean?
Cheryl Kline: I don't know. A couple weeks, maybe? A month? I don't really remember.
Detective Murphy: Anything strike you as odd or out of the ordinary that last time you saw him going out with his wife?
Cheryl Kline: I guess I was surprised he was taking her with him, wherever he was going. He didn't do that much. But other than that, no. Nothing strange.
Detective Armstrong: Do you happen to remember the next time you saw Cindy after that?
Cheryl Kline: Seems like I saw Cindy coming home by herself that Saturday afternoon after the 4th. I think it was that Saturday. She was coming in while I was heading toward the pool.
Detective Armstrong: Did you notice anything unusual about her or her appearance at that time?
Cheryl Kline: Unusual for Cindy or unusual for other people?
Detective Armstrong: What do you mean?
Cheryl Kline: Well, it looked like Andy had knocked her around again, but that wasn't unusual for Cindy. Regular people don't have black eyes as often as not, but Cindy does. Or did. I guess that won't exactly be happening anymore now, huh?
Detective Murphy: Anything else you want to add?
Cheryl Kline: No, that's about all I can say.
Detective Murphy: If you think if anything else, please let us know. Here are our cards with our numbers. Call us if anything comes to mind.
Cheryl Kline: Anything to help poor Cindy out.
Interview ended ā 3:33 p.m.