James Thurston interview
Wednesday, July 16, 2014 ā 2:15 p.m.
James Thurston is the resident manager at Oxford Ridge Apartments where Andy and Cindy Fine live.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy interviewed him at the Oxford Ridge leasing office.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- James Thurston
Detective Murphy: Thank you for allowing us to come in and ask you a few questions.
James Thurston: No problem. Call me Jim, please.
Detective Murphy: For the record, who do you work for?
James Thurston: I work for Oxford Ridge Apartments.
Detective Murphy: What is your job description here at Oxford Ridge?
James Thurston: I'm the resident manager. I oversee the rentals and maintenance of the everyday operation of the apartments. I also collect and document the rent and expenditures and anything else that needs to be attended to.
Detective Murphy: Where do you live?
James Thurston: I live here at the apartments, ah, 500 Hathorn Road, Oxford
Detective Armstrong: How long have you worked here at Oxford Ridge?
James Thurston: Let's see now. I've been here for almost four years now.
Detective Armstrong: We're here to ask you about two of your tenants.
James Thurston: Sure. If I can help, I'll be glad to help.
Detective Murphy: Are you familiar with the Fines, Cynthia and Andrew?
James Thurston: Oh, yes. They're not exactly model tenants if you catch my drift.
Detective Murphy: How do you mean, Mr. Thurston?
James Thurston: I'll give you an example. The rent is due the first of the month. There's a ten-day grace period, meaning the rent can be turned in on or before the tenth of the month without penalty, but after that, there's a five-dollar per day late charge. It never fails. Three out of five months, they're late with the rent, and there's always an argument about the penalty charge. I don't blame the Mrs. so much as I do that Andy Fine.
Detective Murphy: I see. When was the last time you saw Andy Fine?
James Thurston: I generally talk a walk around the apartment complex after lunch, you know, to check up on things, to see if things are getting done. Then, of course, I walk back to my apartment when I go home for the evening. Those are generally the times I see the residents unless they come to see me about something.
Detective Murphy: And you last saw Andy Fine during one of those walks?
James Thurston: I suppose I bumped into him a couple of times around the first of the month when I was on the way home. I assume he was coming home too. We didn't speak or even make eye contact for that matter. It's one of those deals where he tries to avoid me. It doesn't even have to be rent time.
Detective Murphy: I see. Do you remember what were you doing late on the night of July 3rd, say around 1:30, 2:00 a.m.?
James Thurston: I can't say for sure. Sleeping, probably. We went out to the lake for the Fourth, me and my wife. Left on the Thursday and came back on the Sunday.
Detective Armstrong: Which lake did y'all go to?
James Thurston: Sardis. Did a little camping, a little fishing.
Detective Armstrong: Catch anything?
James Thurston: Nothing worth talking about.
Detective Armstrong: Other than what we talked about, is there anything else you can tell us about Andy Fine?
James Thurston: Not that I can think of offhand. I don't get into the personal lives of my tenants. It makes life a little easier that way. You might check with my maintenance man. He's out and about among the tenants more than me.
Detective Armstrong: Well, if you think of anything, please give us a call. Here is our card.
Interview ended ā 2:27 p.m.