Fingerprint analysis


REPORT DATE: 4/2/2024

Cynthia J. Markert, CLPE
North Mississippi Regional Laboratory
Batesville, MS 38606
662-563-XXXX (FAX 662-563-XXXX)

Analysis: Latent Print Examination

Case #: 001653-31C-2024

Case Description: Wendell Martinson homicide

Investigative Agency: Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department

Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy, Det. E. Parker

Summary of Preliminary Latent Print Analysis

Latent Print #Evidence # and DescriptionID of Full / Partial Fingerprint
001653‑01‑P001 001653‑01: One (1) metal cross unidentified
001653‑01‑P002 001653‑01: One (1) metal cross 12 points of similarity to Leo Ingram L3
001653‑01‑P003 001653‑01: One (1) metal cross 9 points of similarity to Wendell Martinson R4
001653‑01‑P004 001653‑01: One (1) metal cross unidentified
001653‑01‑P005 001653‑01: One (1) metal cross 10 points of similarity to Wendell Martinson R2
001653‑02‑P006 001653‑02: One (1) wooden crucifix 14 points of similarity to Leo Ingram R2
001653‑02‑P007 001653‑02: One (1) wooden crucifix unidentified
001653‑02‑P008 001653‑02: One (1) wooden crucifix unidentified
001653‑02‑P009 001653‑02: One (1) wooden crucifix 13 points of similarity to Wendell Martinson R2
001653‑03‑P010 001653‑03: One (1) business card with handwritten note on back 11 points of similarity to Wendell Martinson R1
001653‑03‑P011 001653‑03: One (1) business card with handwritten note on back unidentified
001653‑03‑P012 001653‑03: One (1) business card with handwritten note on back unidentified
001653‑03‑P013 001653‑03: One (1) business card with handwritten note on back 8 points of similarity to Wendell Martinson R3

Fingerprint cards on file for YCSD Case #001653-31C-2024: Ingram, Leo; Martinson, Wendell. AFIS analysis ongoing. Further case-specific comparisons pending receipt of additional known samples.





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