Updated forensics



Andrew Needham, FTEE
Jackson Laboratory
Jackson, MS 39205
601-987-XXXX (FAX 601-987-XXXX)

Analysis: Trace Evidence Examination

     ** RUSH **

Updated Summary of Forensic Analysis

Case Description:
Charles Tatum homicide investigation

Case #

Investigative Agency:
Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department

Investigating Officer(s):
Det. S. Murphy, Det. T. Armstrong

This report summarizes the preliminary findings of forensic analysis on evidence collected in Case # 001905-16D-2023. Additional analyses are ongoing and may result in updates or modifications to these early results.

Trace Evidence


SIG Sauer P226 handgun (Evidence # 001905-01)

  • Fingerprints consistent with Charles Tatum were observed and have been excluded.
  • Fingerprints consistent with Jolene Wright were observed on the grip of the weapon.
  • Unidentified fingerprints were observed on the grip and slide of the weapon.

Spent 9mm casing (Evidence # 001905-02)

  • Fingerprints consistent with Charles Tatum were observed and have been excluded.

Entry door

  • Fingerprints consistent with Charles Tatum were observed and have been excluded.
  • Fingerprints consistent with Marion Sanders were observed and have been excluded.
  • Unidentified fingerprints were observed on inside edge of the entry door.

Matchbook (Evidence # 001905-15-02)

  • Fingerprints consistent with Charles Tatum were observed and have been excluded.
  • Unidentified fingerprints were observed on the outside of the matchbook.


  • 11-inch brown-gray hairs consistent with Charles Tatum were collected and have been excluded.
  • 22-inch brown hairs consistent with Marion Sanders were collected and have been excluded.
  • 19-inch brown hairs consistent with Jolene Wright were collected from the living room, bedroom, and bathroom.



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