IA memo to Homicide

Taylor Sheldon, Sheriff
Oxford, MS 38655


TO: Detective Ted Armstrong, Detective Sam Murphy
YCSD Homicide Squad
FROM: Detective Anna Calhoun
YCSD Internal Affairs
DATE: April 24, 2023
RE: Incident # 001905-16D-2023

Subsequent to our interview of Jolene Wright regarding Detective Charles Tatum's missing badge and credentials, Internal Affairs conducted an unannounced follow-up interview with Wright on May 24, 2023, at her residence at 805 College Hill Road.

During the course of that follow-up interview, we observed a MasterCard credit card issued to Charles A. Tatum in plain view on the subject's dining room table. Internal Affairs immediately took Jolene Wright into custody on larceny charges related to Section 97-19-13 (Ref: Incident 002083-24D-2023).

A warrant was obtained and a thorough search of the residence was conducted. In addition to the aforementioned credit card, a Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department paycheck stub bearing the name Charles A. Tatum and dated April 7, 2023, was also recovered.

The search of Jolene Wright's residence failed to recover Detective Tatum's missing badge and credentials. The Internal Affairs investigation into the whereabouts of those items is ongoing.

Should you turn up any information potentially related to the location of Detective Tatum's badge or credentials during the course of your investigation into his homicide, notify Internal Affairs immediately.



Search documents — Jolene Wright residence




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