Home Plate safe deposit box


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 002547-21E-2023
Case Description: Devlin Beauchamp death investigation

Yoknapatawpha Sheriff's Detectives obtained a court order to gain access to the contents of the Home Plate safe deposit box at the Oxford branch of Bank of Mississippi and to the bank's records of who accessed the box between May 1, 2022, and May 30, 2023.


  • 002547-209: One (1) sealed white envelope with the words "Top Secret" handwritten on the front.
    • 002547-210: Contents - One (1) barbecue sauce recipe
  • 002547-211: One (1) sealed white envelope with the name "Devlin Beauchamp" handwritten on the front.
    • 002547-212: Contents - One (1) signed, unendorsed check, issued by Franklin Enterprises, dated April 10, 2023, payable to Devlin Beauchamp in the amount of $50,000.00.
  • 002547-213: One (1) photocopy of a patent application for the Home Plate Barbecue Sauce
  • 002547-214: One (1) notarized copy of the Home Plate partnership agreement
  • 002547-215: One (1) notarized copy of Carl Dixon's Last Will and Testament
  • 002547-216: One (1) notarized copy of Devlin Beauchamp's Last Will and Testament

Access Records

  • Evidence # 002547-217: Home Plate safe deposit box access records, May 1, 2022—May 30, 2023
DateTime InTime OutBoxholder SignatureBank Signature
05/25/2022 2:41 PM 2:58 PM //Devlin W. Beauchamp
//Carl D. Dixon
//Tricia Lancaster
10/06/2022 3:23 PM 3:27 PM //Carl D. Dixon //Tricia Lancaster
04/18/2023 9:27 AM 9:34 AM //Devlin W. Beauchamp //Tricia Lancaster
05/22/2023 9:12 AM 9:15 AM //Carl D. Dixon //Tricia Lancaster


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