With suspects in custody for Kevin's murder, have all your questions about the circumstances surrounding his death been answered?

Answers at long last? Or more questions?

Examine the evidence, and discuss the arrests and any lingering questions in the forums and the comments.

Starting Tuesday… one of these people was killed. The other was left behind.Coming up… sometimes a witness's plight is even more heartbreaking than the victim's.

Your investigation begins Tuesday, September 6th.
See you then!

Were the people Detectives Armstrong and Murphy brought in for interrogation on your list of top suspects?

Do you believe their claims about what happened to Kevin?

Who is on your list of top suspects?

Examine the evidence, and share your theories in the forums and the comments.

When Detectives Armstrong and Murphy brought one of the 1987 lead investigators up to speed on some of the new information in the case, did it ring any bells for him?

"The guy had secrets, so who knows?"

Has Kevin's killer been in the case files all this time, just waiting for someone to unearth the right secret that makes everything fall into place?

Examine the evidence, and share your theories in the forums and the comments.

Kevin's former employer claims "Kevin's death was the topic of conversation for a long time." How many of those barroom theories does Jim Mason remember?

And were any of them true?

How many barroom theories does Jim Mason remember?

Examine the evidence, and share your theories in the forums and the comments.

What would make a former teaching assistant come forward with information about Kevin Gilmore after all these years? And insist on having her identity concealed in exchange for revealing it?

How many sides of Kevin's personality are still hidden, even now?

A former teaching assistant comes forward with information about Kevin Gilmore.

Examine the evidence, and share your theories in the forums and the comments.

What did Carly know back in 1987 about her boyfriend, Kevin, that she didn't tell investigators?

What other secrets has she been keeping all this time?

What secrets has Carly been keeping all this time?

Examine the evidence, and share your theories in the forums and the comments.

Everyone in 1987 talked about the bad blood between the late Kevin Gilmore and his teammate Jason Finnegan.

What did Jason himself say about Kevin? And why didn't Jason want to tell detectives where he was when Kevin died?

Everyone in 1987 talked about the bad blood between the late Kevin Gilmore and his teammate Jason Finnegan.

Examine the evidence, and share your theories in the forums and the comments.

Back in 1987, did Carly tell everything she knew about what could've led to her boyfriend Kevin's death?

What did Carly Brock say when she found out her boyfriend was dead?

Examine the evidence, and share your theories in the forums and the comments.

Does what's behind this door hold the answer to a decades-old mystery?


Examine the evidence, and share your theories in the comments.

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