Evidence inventory


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 006114-16L-2019
Case Description: Caroline Jordan death investigation

CSU provided the following inventory of items taken into evidence from the Caroline Jordan homicide scene at 107 Pearidge Road.

The crime scene is still being processed for fingerprints and trace evidence. A complete inventory will be available when processing is complete.

The Jordan crime scene remains sealed pending release by the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department and/or the Yoknapatawpha County District Attorney and/or defense counsel when identified.

Click photos to enlarge

Chef's knife

Christmas Wish List

Printed knife image

Living Room

  • 006114-01: One (1) 12-inch chef's knife with 7-inch blade, bright red and dark red stains on the both sides of the blade



  • 006114-02: One (1) handwritten list labeled "Christmas Wish List"


Master Bedroom

  • 006114-03: One (1) laptop computer
  • 006114-04: One (1) cellular telephone
  • 006114-05: One (1) printed image of a novelty chef's knife
  • 006114-06: One (1) black handbag and contents


Front Yard

  • 006114-07: One (1) black metal mailbox, damaged
  • 006114-08: One (1) wooden mailbox post, damaged





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