Press kit photos


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 001985-19D-2020
Case Description: Dalton Kimbrough homicide investigation

Investigators located some photographs that appear to be part of a press kit for Dalton Kimbrough's film Death to the Revelers.

Young woman with blonde hair and glasses Man with a dark beard and mustache Man with medium length dark hair
Gwendolyn Carver

Dalton Kimbrough

Alonzo Marquez

Young woman with long blonde hair Older man with salt-and-pepper hair and mustache Young man with dark hair and goatee
Kayla Mathis

Johnny McPhail

Roy Whistle

Man with long blond hair, beard and mustache Young man with short dark hair  
Dave Woolworth Teddy Zeboe  


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