Vanessa Palmer interview
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 – 9:30 a.m.
During the search of Devlin Beauchamp's residence, thirteen letters and printed emails addressed to Devlin Beauchamp from Franklin Enterprises, Inc. (002547-012-08 through 002547-012-20) were found in the desk in the study.
Following up on that correspondence, Detective Murphy telephoned Ms. Vanessa Palmer at Franklin Enterprises headquarters in New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Detective S. Murphy
- Vanessa Palmer
Detective Murphy: Ms. Palmer, this is Detective Sam Murphy with the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department in Oxford, Mississippi. Your name has come up in an ongoing investigation, and I'd like to ask you some questions.
Vanessa Palmer: Yes, of course, sheriff.
Detective Murphy: I'm not the sheriff, Ms. Palmer. I'm a detective with the sheriff's department.
Vanessa Palmer: Oh. Detective. I'm sorry.
Detective Murphy: Not a problem. Ms. Palmer, are you acquainted with Mr. Devlin Beauchamp of Oxford, Mississippi?
Vanessa Palmer: Why do you ask?
Detective Murphy: Ms. Palmer, please. If you could just answer my question. This is part of an official investigation.
Vanessa Palmer: Yes, I'm acquainted with Mr. Beauchamp.
Detective Murphy: And when was the last time you spoke with him?
Vanessa Palmer: Last week. We spoke briefly on the phone.
Detective Murphy: I see. And what was that conversation regarding?
Vanessa Palmer: We were discussing a possible joint business venture.
Detective Murphy: We have evidence you've been communicating with Mr. Beauchamp since February. Was all of that communication related to this possible business venture?
Vanessa Palmer: If you don't mind me asking, detective, how do you know how long I've been speaking with Mr. Beauchamp, and of what interest is it to you?
Detective Murphy: Ms. Palmer, why do you suppose you haven't heard from Mr. Beauchamp since last week?
Vanessa Palmer: The last time we spoke, he said he needed some time to think over what we'd talked about, and he'd get back to me when he'd reached a decision. Since I haven't heard from him yet, I assume he's still weighing his options.
Detective Murphy: Is there some reason you're being so coy about what you and Mr. Beauchamp were discussing?
Vanessa Palmer: Detective, let me put my cards on the table. I'm sure you don't intend to, but you're putting me in a difficult position. Any communications that might have gone on between Mr. Beauchamp and my firm would be part of a strictly confidential business negotiation. We have a very clear reciprocal non-disclosure agreement in place.
Detective Murphy: Well, Ms. Palmer. Let me put my cards on the table. The reason you haven't heard from Mr. Beauchamp is not that he's still considering the terms of whatever deal you were discussing. It's because Mr. Beauchamp was murdered on May 20th. My questions are part of the investigation into his death.
Vanessa Palmer: Oh my god!
Detective Murphy: So you see why it's essential that you answer my questions. Surely, the restrictions of your non-disclosure agreement are not binding beyond the death of one of the parties.
Vanessa Palmer: What happened?
Detective Murphy: Mr. Beauchamp was bludgeoned to death in his home.
Vanessa Palmer: Oh my god.
Detective Murphy: Ms. Palmer? Are you all right?
Vanessa Palmer: What? Oh. Oh, yes. What's happened to the restaurant?
Detective Murphy: Excuse me?
Vanessa Palmer: Home Plate. The restaurant. What's happened with it? Is it still open?
Detective Murphy: Well… yes, it is.
Vanessa Palmer: Oh, good… good.
Detective Murphy: Uh, Ms. Palmer, you seem a little more concerned about the restaurant's fate than Mr. Beauchamp's.
Vanessa Palmer: Oh, of course, it's terrible what happened to Mr. Beauchamp, but you have to understand. I have a lot on the line with this deal. If it falls through… well, let's just say it would be very bad for me professionally.
Detective Murphy: I see. Maybe now you'd like to tell me exactly what kind of deal you and Mr. Beauchamp were discussing?
Vanessa Palmer: Well… I don't know what it could hurt now. You will try to keep the details confidential unless it's absolutely necessary, won't you?
Detective Murphy: I can't make any promises, Ms. Palmer. You understand, of course.
Vanessa Palmer: I suppose so.
Detective Murphy: So, Ms. Palmer? The deal?
Vanessa Palmer: Of course. We were trying to negotiate a franchising deal with Mr. Beauchamp to open additional locations of Home Plate around the southeast. We'd paid him for a six-month exclusive right to the franchising option so he wouldn't negotiate with other firms at the same time and try to pit us against each other in a bidding war. You understand.
Detective Murphy: Were any other companies talking with him that you were aware of? Did you have some cause for concern in that area?
Vanessa Palmer: The first time Mr. Beauchamp and I spoke, he told me he'd had inquiries from other companies over the years, more so recently.
Detective Murphy: And that's why you decided to pay him for the exclusive right to negotiate with him?
Vanessa Palmer: Of course.
Detective Murphy: How much did you pay him for that, right?
Vanessa Palmer: Fifty thousand dollars.
Detective Murphy: Really? And how did Mr. Beauchamp's business partner, Carl Dixon, fit into this deal?
Vanessa Palmer: Uh… well, that was a little awkward, and it heavily influenced our decision to keep the negotiations strictly confidential. And frankly, in my opinion, it's also why Mr. Beauchamp kept stalling on accepting our offer. We intended to buy Mr. Dixon out. We didn't feel his participation gave the venture any added value.
Detective Murphy: "We" being?
Vanessa Palmer: Sorry? I don't understand.
Detective Murphy: Who was the "we" that considered Mr. Dixon superfluous?
Vanessa Palmer: Oh. Franklin Enterprises, of course.
Detective Murphy: Of course. So, what was the status of the deal when you and Mr. Beauchamp last spoke?
Vanessa Palmer: We'd sent him a revised proposal, and he was considering it. I could email you a copy of that proposal if you need it.
Detective Murphy: Is that the one dated May 19, 2023?
Vanessa Palmer: Yes, it is. You already have a copy, then? So why are you asking me all these questions?
Detective Murphy: What I would like from you, Ms. Palmer, are copies of all the correspondence Mr. Beauchamp sent to you. Could you send me those?
Vanessa Palmer: Actually, there aren't any. Mr. Beauchamp refused to put anything in writing. I think he was uncomfortable with that because of the situation with Mr. Dixon. So we sent letters and emails to him, though he'd asked us to be discreet when committing details to paper. But his only communication with us was by telephone. That was the way he wanted it.
Detective Murphy: How convenient. So, really, we only have your word for it that Mr. Beauchamp was even considering this deal. Isn't that right? How do we know that Franklin Enterprises wasn't just inundating him with offers that he was simply ignoring?
Vanessa Palmer: Well, he did accept the fifty thousand dollars from us. And he did sign the non-disclosure agreement. And I'm sure we could provide records of phone messages from Mr. Beauchamp. What's your point, detective? I don't think I care for your implications.
Detective Murphy: To your knowledge, was Mr. Dixon aware of your negotiations with Mr. Beauchamp?
Vanessa Palmer: Certainly not. That would have been very… inopportune.
Detective Murphy: I'm sure. When did you intend to discuss this business deal with Mr. Dixon?
Vanessa Palmer: Oh, not until after we had Mr. Beauchamp's signature on the dotted line.
Detective Murphy: That's a little cold-hearted, isn't it? Just shutting Mr. Dixon out like that?
Vanessa Palmer: That's hardly my concern, detective. This is business. There's no money to be made in sparing people's feelings.
Detective Murphy: Of course. Ms. Palmer, I don't have anything else to say to you at the moment. However, we may need to contact you for follow-up questioning in the future. Can we reach you at this same number in New Orleans?
Vanessa Palmer: I'm afraid I do have to travel from time to time on business, detective. I can't guarantee I'll always be reachable here at the office.
Detective Murphy: Let me put it this way, Ms. Palmer. If we need to talk to you, we'll contact your New Orleans office. If you're not there, you get back in touch with us immediately, no matter where you might be. I wouldn't want to be forced to issue a warrant for your arrest as a material witness in a homicide investigation.
Vanessa Palmer: Are you trying to intimidate me, detective?
Detective Murphy: I'm just making you aware of all the possibilities, Ms. Palmer. Are you clear on the importance of making yourself available if we have additional questions?
Vanessa Palmer: There's no need to take that tone with me. I'm not one of the dim-witted local yokels you're used to dealing with. I understand what you're saying.
Detective Murphy: Be sure that you do. We'll be in touch.
Vanessa Palmer: Just one more thing, detective, if I may.
Detective Murphy: What is it?
Vanessa Palmer: Do you happen to have Carl Dixon's telephone number?
Detective Murphy: Try Googling it.
Interview ended – 10:00 a.m.