Michelle Prescott bio
Michelle Prescott was born on April 6, 2002, to David and Elizabeth Prescott of Biloxi, Mississippi. The family was affluent thanks to David's position as a local bank executive, and Elizabeth's occasional interior design consulting projects supplemented the family's income.
According to Michelle's academic records, she was an excellent student from the beginning and showed a particular flair for visual arts and an interest in architecture from a young age.
Two lifelong friends agree that her aesthetic sense translated into expensive tastes. Since she was a preteen, Michelle has relished nothing more than shopping with her mother or her wealthy older cousin, Kristi Waterson. Michelle's friends recall how on a good day with Elizabeth, the two could easily spend thousands of dollars.
But when Michelle entered high school, everything changed. Her parents divorced acrimoniously, forcing Michelle to abandon plans to follow her boyfriend to Dartmouth College. Instead, she had to consider less costly options and—after briefly despairing at the unfairness of life—finally settled on Ole Miss, which allowed her to spend time with her favorite cousin, Kristi, who was by then a junior member of the faculty.
Michelle started college in the fall of 2019 and appeared determined to put her disappointment in the past. Her high school sweetheart related how she stayed in touch with him early on but then deemed their long-distance romance impractical, and they broke up before Thanksgiving break of her first year.
In matters of romance, Michelle's friends say she is down-to-earth. She doesn't entertain suitors who don't share her priorities, the topmost of which is securing a comfortable lifestyle. They claim Michelle is aware some have whispered that she's a golddigger, but she responds that life's too short to endure poor quality.
Her friends from school and the real estate office where she works agree that Michelle hasn't cast aside her first-class tastes. She's well-paid as a girl Friday at The Harte Agency, and she's been open about the benefits of the job, which also gives her access to wealthy clientele and their homes. Those, combined with her mother's steady allowance, are plenty to maintain her preferred lifestyle.
The apartment she and Kristi share is beautifully appointed, thanks to Michelle's exquisite taste in furniture and decor. Kristi's friends often teased that the place still looked like a college dorm room until Michelle moved in.
Since her junior year, Michelle has been dating the son of an extremely wealthy Texas family and is expecting a proposal shortly after he finishes his MBA in the spring.
Michelle completed a degree in art history a few months ago, and her ultimate goal is to build her own collection of Impressionist art. She plans to work her way up as a fine art dealer for a top-tier auction house after she and Rob are married. Until then, she's working full-time at The Harte Agency and waiting for Rob to graduate so they can get on with their lives.