Preston Vance interview
Thursday, October 26, 2023 – 9:00 a.m.
Preston Vance is an active member of Concerned Oxford Parents.
Detectives Beckwith and Magee interviewed him at his residence.
- Detective P. Beckwith
- Detective J. Magee
- Preston Vance
Detective Magee: Please state your name and address for the record.
Preston Vance: Happy to. My name is Preston Vance, and I live at 781 Shady Oaks Circle in Oxford.
Detective Beckwith: Thank you, Mr. Vance.
Preston Vance: Of course. As you know, I was protesting outside Under Glass on the day Mr. Biffle was killed and was interviewed on the scene. I'm not sure how much more help I can be to you today, but I'll certainly try.
Detective Magee: Thank you. We just have a few follow-up questions.
Preston Vance: Very good.
Detective Beckwith: Mr. Vance, how were you associated with Mr. Biffle?
Preston Vance: I didn't personally know Mr. Biffle, but I was certainly familiar with him, having spent untold hours working to shut down his enterprise.
Detective Magee: So you never met him?
Preston Vance: Not personally, no. I exchanged words with him during our COP protests outside the Under Glass residence. Actually, that's not true. I implored him to find Jesus. He ignored me.
Detective Magee: Do you have any reason to want him dead?
Preston Vance: Heavens, no! Why would I commit a mortal sin to stop him from sinning? I am the earthly hands and feet of our most righteous God, who loves all his creations—even Hoyt Biffle.
Detective Beckwith: She didn't ask if you killed him. She asked if you had a reason to want him dead. But thank you, since it saves us asking that question.
Preston Vance: Oh, forgive me. I must've misheard. And no, I had no reason to want him dead.
Detective Magee: Do you know who killed Hoyt Biffle?
Preston Vance: No, and if I did, I would've told you.
Detective Beckwith: Mr. Biffle kept a list in a notebook, and your name was on it. Can you think of a reason why?
Preston Vance: I can think of several reasons why. As I mentioned, I, along with my COP colleagues, spent many hours actively trying to shut Mr. Biffle's business down, and while he appreciated the exposure, pardon the crude pun, he also resented the progress we were making in our pursuits.
Detective Magee: So it doesn't surprise you?
Preston Vance: Heavens no. It would surprise me were I not included.
Detective Beckwith: Mr. Vance, where were you between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. last Wednesday, October 18th?
Preston Vance: I was at work from 8:00 in the morning until 4:30 in the afternoon. I left work and briefly stopped at home to change into more casual clothes and tennis shoes, grabbed a slicker and a hat since it was raining, and drove to the Under Glass protest.
Detective Magee: Can anyone corroborate your whereabouts from the time you stopped at home to the time you arrived at the protest?
Preston Vance: Absolutely. My wife was home when I got there, so you can check with her. As far as my arrival at the protest, Ben Morgan, who I think you know, spoke to me as I was arriving, as did Graham, and I said hello to Cynthia. I'd estimate my arrival sometime after 5:00 but before 5:10 p.m. I'm sorry. I wish I could be more specific.
Detective Magee: That's fine. Thank you, Mr. Vance. Would you mind giving us your opinion on a few things?
Preston Vance: Not at all. Happy to.
Detective Magee: Thank you. What do you believe should happen to whoever murdered Hoyt Biffle?
Preston Vance: Well, Mr. Biffle had a lot to atone for, and his life was likely cut short of that atonement. Very unfortunate. But there is absolute forgiveness in Christ Jesus, so that's between Mr. Biffle and God. As for the person who cut his life short? The same absolute forgiveness in Christ Jesus awaits.
Detective Beckwith: Can you think of anyone who might've wanted Biffle dead?
Preston Vance: Specifically? No. But the evil he dabbled in, and that he drew others into, has power. Power over the children living in that house. Power over the people viewing the trash he produced. I'm shocked that he's dead, but not surprised. Does that help?
Detective Beckwith: Thank you, Mr. Vance. If we need anything further, we'll be in touch.
Preston Vance: Happy to oblige.
Interview ended – 9:18 a.m.