Cherish Peace interview
Wednesday, October 25, 2023 – 1:00 p.m.
Cherish Peace is a yoga instructor and business owner who uses goats in her yoga practice.
Detectives Beckwith and Magee spoke with her at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective P. Beckwith
- Detective J. Magee
- Cherish Peace
Detective Magee: Would you please state your name and address for the record?
Cherish Peace: Cherish Peace. I live in harmony and bliss at 40 Silver Oak Lane, Oxford.
Detective Beckwith: Is that your legal name? Cherish Peace?
Cherish Peace: Yes.
Detective Beckwith: Well, thank you for coming in today, Ms. Peace.
Cherish Peace: Cherish Peace. The whole thing, first and last. No need to assign binary identifiers or patriarchal titles. Cherish Peace. It's my name, and it's also a subtle reminder for all of us.
Detective Magee: Reminder of what?
Cherish Peace: To cherish peace.
Detective Magee: Oh. Gotcha. Do you own a business?
Cherish Peace: I do, yes.
Detective Magee: What is the name of and the nature of that business?
Cherish Peace: The nature of the business is yoga. I'm a yoga instructor. My business name is Baaamaste. That's B, followed by three a's, then maste like namaste with a goat bleat.
Detective Beckwith: Sure. Uh … sure. Okay.
Cherish Peace: It's because I offer goat yoga classes.
Detective Magee: Which are?
Cherish Peace: Yoga classes with goats.
Detective Magee: Of course. How exactly does that work?
Cherish Peace: Oh! No, no. It's not goats practicing yoga. We practice yoga in the presence of goats.
Detective Magee: And … what are the goats there for?
Cherish Peace: Oh, many reasons. Goats are calming. They lift spirits, provide a distraction … sometimes add a bit of weight or resistance if they climb on you. The baby goats, not the adults. But they all are affectionate.
Detective Beckwith: Did you teach class last Wednesday, a week ago today?
Cherish Peace: Several. Classes with goats began at 2:00 in the afternoon and ended at 6:30. Each class lasts an hour and a half, mostly to allow people to hang with the goats afterward.
Detective Magee: Do you know a person named Birdie Tarver?
Cherish Peace: I do. She studies with me.
Detective Magee: Was she in class with you last Wednesday?
Cherish Peace: Yes. She's in class every Wednesday. She usually comes to the 3:30 class and stays until closing.
Detective Beckwith: Do you have any way to confirm that? Like a credit card receipt?
Cherish Peace: I do. Birdie pays cash, and I'll have a record of payment. She pays for both Wednesday classes even though she only practices yoga from 3:30 to 5:00. That last class time she sits with the kids.
Detective Beckwith: Like a babysitter?
Cherish Peace: No … well … yes, but kids, like baby goats, not children. She enjoys time with the baby goats.
Detective Magee: Is it unusual for your students to pay cash?
Cherish Peace: A little. I think Birdie is embarrassed about it.
Detective Magee: About what?
Cherish Peace: The goat yoga. I mean, she adores Jingles and Shorty. And she's mad for Vincent van Goat, but she avoids our goat promo pictures and never posts on social media.
Detective Magee: Can you give us the names of others in class who can confirm Ms. Tarver was there on that Wednesday? Other people, I mean?
Cherish Peace: Of course. The Wednesday regulars who I know for sure can confirm are Chris, Kris, and Evelyn. Hannah was there, and Jack, too. If you need some kind of receipts or proof for those students, I can get that for you. Plus, their contact information.
Detective Beckwith: Yes, we'll need a copy of those receipts for the 18th.
Cherish Peace: Happy to help.
Detective Beckwith: Thank you. We appreciate your time. It's been…
Cherish Peace: Enlightening? You're welcome, detectives.
Interview ended – 1:19 p.m.