Crime Scene Evidence Files

Solving murders in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi since 1995. Examine the evidence and solve the case.

Did something happen with Eddie Dooley and the Fines at Duffy's?

Examine the relevant case files

What happened between Eddie Dooley and Cindy & Andy Fine?

Eddie Dooley interview
  available exclusively to
  Case Detectives for a limited time

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Eddie Dooley biography
  exclusive info for Case Detectives
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Investigation Day 8 — Detectives Armstrong and Murphy wanted to know what happened between Eddie Dooley and Andy & Cindy Fine at Duffy's the night of July 3rd.


What did the people at Duffy's see and hear?

Examine the relevant case files

Investigators canvass Duffy's patrons and employees

Duffy's patron canvass

Duffy's employee canvass

Investigation Day 5 & 7 — Detectives Armstrong and Murphy talked to witnesses at Duffy's Bar & Grill about what they saw the nights of July 3rd, when Andy Fine was there, and July 13th, when Johnny Reagle was there.

Did the people across the street see that dark SUV outside the Fines' place?

Examine the relevant case files

Investigators canvass Duffy's patrons and employees

Oxford Chalet canvass

Investigation Day 5 — Detectives Armstrong and Murphy talked to a group of people who regularly congregate in the parking lot of the Oxford Chalet apartments, which are across the street from Andy & Cindy Fine's residence.

What did Andy's sister-in-law tell the detectives?

Examine the relevant case files

What did Andy's sister-in-law tell the detectives?

Robyn Dykman interview
  available exclusively to
  Case Detectives for a limited time

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Robyn Dykman biography
  exclusive info for Case Detectives
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Investigation Day 10 — Detectives Armstrong and Murphy talked with Cindy's sister, Robyn, to find out what light she could shed on Cindy, Andy, their relationship and what happened the night of July 3rd.


How much does Bill Dykman know about what happened to Andy?

Examine the relevant case files

What did Andy's brother-in-law tell the detectives?

Bill Dykman interview
  available exclusively to
  Case Detectives for a limited time

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Bill Dykman biography
  exclusive info for Case Detectives
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Investigation Day 10 — Detectives Armstrong and Murphy talked to Robyn Dykman's husband, Bill, to find out what he could tell them about what went on the night of July 3rd.


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