Canvass – Square Pizza employees

In an interview with Detectives Armstrong and Murphy on Monday, November 9, 2020, Greg Reis said that he overheard a group of teenagers talking about hitting moving targets with a crossbow while he was at Square Pizza, 1101 Van Buren Avenue.

On Tuesday, November 10, the detectives went to Square Pizza to follow up on this tip.

The interviews summarized are some of the most typical or relevant to the investigation and are representative of all interviews conducted.


Brandi Robinson
General Manager

Ms. Robinson was working from 1:00 pm until 9:30 pm on October 27, 2020, the day Mr. Reis said he saw the group of teenagers.

Ms. Robinson said there is a group of teens matching Reis's description that usually come in after school around 4:00 p.m. She said they don't cause any trouble in the restaurant, and they've never had any issues with them being there.


Caleb Steyer

Mr. Steyer said that he often sees the group of teenagers hanging out in the restaurant.

His little brother, Riley, is a student at Yoknapatawpha High School and knows most of the kids in the group. Riley has told Mr. Steyer that the kids are considered freaks at school because of how they dress and act.

However, Mr. Steyer added that he doesn't think their behavior is unusual for kids their age, and he doesn't think they would be capable of violence.

He said Colton Masters and Brooklynn Danning appear to be the unofficial leaders of the group, which includes maybe a dozen kids total though they don't all come to Square Pizza every afternoon.


Olivia Trotter

Ms. Trotter said she often waits on the group of teenagers when they come into the restaurant after school. She described them as good kids and said they are probably considered nerds because they are really into video games, anime, and cosplay.

When asked if she has ever heard them talking about committing violent acts of any kind, she said she often overhears them talking about casting spells and defeating enemies but that they are just talking about games they have played as far as she knows.


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