Surveillance report

Following Marc Huddleston's November 2 interview, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy arranged to put him under surveillance from the time he left the sheriff's department that day.

The surveilling officers kept a log of Huddleston's activity.


Surveillance Report

SUBJECT: Marc Huddleston CASE #: 004651-29J-2020

November 2


5:16 PM 

Surveillance begins

Subject is followed from YCSD.

5:24 PM 

Subject parks in the driveway of his residence at 168 Orrwood Drive. He is met by another Person (1): M, Caucasian, 50, 5'11, 200, brown hair, beard, presumed to be the subject's father. Person 1 pats the subject on the back and appears to be offering reassurance. The two enter the residence.

7:09 PM 

Subject leaves residence and heads west on Orrwood Drive.

7:15 PM 

Subject parks at the Oxford Commons on Commonwealth Blvd, then enters Premier Lanes.

7:17 PM 

Inside, we observe the subject joining a game of bowling with a group of teenagers.

7:20 PM 

Subject is having a prolonged conversation with one of the teenagers, Person (2): M, Caucasian, 16, 5'9, 160, light brown hair.

8:14 PM 

Subject approaches the snack bar and places an order.

8:16 PM 

Subject accepts order and sits at a nearby table where two of the teenagers, Person 2 and Person (3): M, Asian, 16, 5'9, 170, black hair, are already seated. The three are seen laughing and talking.

8:39 PM 

Group leaves table and re-joins the others, who are still bowling.

  • At this time, Deputy Willits collects a cup that was abandoned by the subject. The cup is logged as evidence and will be sent to the crime lab for analysis.

9:14 PM 

Subject exits the building with four of the teenagers: Person 2, Person 3, and Person (4): F, Caucasian, 16, 5'6, 120, blonde hair. The group is observed walking behind the building, but we are unable to follow inconspicuously.

9:32 PM 

The group emerges from behind the building and re-enters the building.

  • Upon search of the area behind the building where the subject had been, we find a cigarette butt still half burning on the ground, which appears to have been partially stepped on.

9:35 PM 

Subject is observed bowling with the same group of teenagers.

9:52 PM 

Subject and the rest of the group walk to the counter and return their bowling shoes, then exit the building.

9:53 PM 

Subject is overheard saying "Don't forget, man. Tomorrow." to Person 3, who nods and then walks towards the parking lot. Subject hugs Person 4 and then waves to the rest of the group before walking to his vehicle.

9:54 PM 

Subject drives south on Commonwealth Blvd.

10:02 PM 

Subject arrives home and goes inside.

November 3


7:24 AM 

Subject exits his residence and drives west on Orrwood Drive.

7:37 AM 

Subject parks in the west parking lot at Yoknapatawpha High School and enters the building.

3:32 PM 

Subject exits high school building with two males: Person (5): M, Caucasian, 16, 6'0, 170, blonde hair; Person (6): M, Caucasian, 16, 5'9, 160, red baseball cap. The three leave in the subject's vehicle and head west on Sisk Avenue.

3:48 PM 

The subject parks at the skate park on Bramlett Blvd. All three males exit the vehicle and retrieve skateboards from the rear cargo storage area.

3:49 PM 

Subject begins skating.

4:19 PM 

Subject appears to initiate conversation with one of the teenagers at the park: Person (7) F, Caucasian, 16, 5'5, 120, blonde hair.

4:27 PM 

Subject continues skating.

5:34 PM 

Subject joins a group of teenagers talking nearby: Person (8): F, Caucasian, 16, 5'6, 130, brown hair, glasses; Person (9): M, Black, 16, 6'0, 180, black hair; Person (10): F, Caucasian, 16, 5'3, 110, brown hair. The group is seen talking and laughing. Person 5 joins the conversation.

6:12 PM 

Subject leaves with Persons 5 and 6.

6:18 PM 

Subject pulls over on the street outside of a residence on Sisk Avenue. Persons 5 and 6 exit the vehicle, and subject drives away.

6:25 PM 

Subject arrives home and goes inside.

November 4


7:25 AM 

Subject exits residence and drives west on Orrwood Drive.

7:36 AM 

Subject parks in the west parking lot at YHS and enters the building.

12:07 PM 

YCSD detectives arrive to take the subject in for questioning.

Surveillance ends.




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