Eddie House interview
Saturday, October 31, 2020 – 10:30 a.m.
Eddie House is a custodian at Yoknapatawpha County High School.
Detective Murphy interviewed him at the high school.
- Detective S. Murphy
- Eddie House
Detective Murphy: Mr. House, I’m Detective Murphy with the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department. I’m investigating the murder of Frederick Miller. Do you have a moment to answer a few questions?
Eddie House: Well, sure, anything I can do to help, I reckon.
Detective Murphy: Would you state your name and address for me, please?
Travis Lancaster: I'm Eddie House. My address is 525 County Road 102.
Detective Murphy: You’re the custodian here, right?
Eddie House: Yep, I’m the guy who keeps this place clean. You wouldn’t believe the messes these kids leave around here.
Detective Murphy: Did you know Frederick Miller?
Eddie House: Not really. One time he made me clean the mirrors in the boys' bathroom again, saying I missed some spots. I didn’t take too kindly to that, but I cleaned them again anyway.
Detective Murphy: Did you have any other interactions with him?
Eddie House: I try and steer clear from him. I don’t need him telling me how to do my job.
Detective Murphy: When was the last time you saw him?
Eddie House: Thursday. I was sweeping his classroom after all the kids went home. He was in there, grading papers.
Detective Murphy: Did he say anything to you?
Eddie House: All he said was that I missed a spot. I hadn’t even gotten there yet.
Detective Murphy: What type of mood was he in?
Eddie House: Just the same as always. Sitting there thinking he’s above it all.
Detective Murphy: Being the guy who cleans up around here, you must see a lot through the course of the day.
Eddie House: Oh yeah, when I’m sweeping, I’m also keeping an eye on what’s going on. That’s what I always tell Principal Brown.
Detective Murphy: Did you see anything strange going on with Frederick?
Eddie House: What do you mean?
Detective Murphy: Like did he have any arguments with anyone?
Eddie House: Well, I don’t know what it was all about, but I saw him and his wife having an argument a few days back, must’ve been on Monday.
Detective Murphy: How did you know it was his wife?
Eddie House: Met her before. Nice lady. I guess opposites really do attract sometimes.
Detective Murphy: Did you hear anything they were saying?
Eddie House: I kept my distance. I know they don’t want me sticking my nose into their business.
Detective Murphy: What happened?
Eddie House: She stormed off. Frederick just stood there, shaking his head.
Detective Murphy: Did you ever argue with Frederick?
Eddie House: As I said, I didn’t like it when he told me how to do my job. Didn’t appreciate him sticking his nose into my business, but I’m not one to make a fuss. I just put my head down and kept on working like I always do.
Detective Murphy: Did you notice anyone else having any trouble with him recently.
Eddie House: No, officer, I can’t say that I did. Just him and his wife arguing.
Detective Murphy: Okay, I know you’re a busy man, Mr. House. I just need to know one more thing from you. Where exactly were you on Thursday night between 7:00 and 10:00 p.m.?
Eddie House: That’s my bowling night with my buddies.
Detective Murphy: And your teammates can verify you were there?
Eddie House: Oh yeah, they can tell you that they saw me throwing gutter balls and cussin' all night long.
Detective Murphy: Okay. Can we get your fingerprints and a DNA sample from you?
Eddie House: Why, sure, officer, whatever you want. I have nothing to hide.
Detective Murphy: Well, thanks for your time, Mr. House. We appreciate it.
Eddie House: You’re welcome.
Interview ended – 10:56 a.m.