911 transcript


Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy. Det. T. Armstrong
Incident No.: 001187-05C-2023
Case Description: Ambrose Garrett death investigation

Yoknapatawpha County Emergency Services provided a transcript of the 911 call they received at 9:52 p.m. on Sunday, March 5, 2023.

Dispatcher: 911. What is your emergency?

Caller: Someone's dead! I think, oh my god. Please send help.

Dispatcher: What's your name, ma'am?

Caller: Julie Arbuckle.

Dispatcher: Okay, Julie, tell me what's happening.

Caller: I'm at the Whitehall Community Center at 144 Huntington Place. Ambrose Garrett, a neighbor of mine, is dead. Or he's not moving. I'm not sure. Please send help!

Dispatcher: Help is on the way, Julie. The police and paramedics should be there shortly. Is your friend breathing? Can you tell?

Caller: No, I don't think so. I don't want to touch him. He's so pale.

Dispatcher: Try to stay calm, Julie. Now, can you—

Caller: I have to hang up. I have to go outside and get their attention when the ambulance gets here.

Dispatcher: I need you to stay on the line with me until they arrive, Julie.

Caller: They're on their way, right?

Dispatcher: Yes, but—

Caller: Okay, I'm going outside to wait for them.


Incoming Phone Number:


Dispatch To Address:

144 Huntington Place

Call Date:


Call Start:


Call End:


Unit Assigned:



Amy Barnes

Case # Assigned:



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