Smiling bald man in a law library

Louis Watson interview

Wednesday, January 27, 2021 – 2:30 p.m.

Louis Watson is a local attorney who also owns Ole Miss Liquors.

Detectives Armstrong and Murphy talked to him at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.


  • Detective T. Armstrong
  • Detective S. Murphy
  • Louis Watson

Louis Watson: Good morning, good morning. How are you folks doing this fine day?

Detective Armstrong: Very well, thanks. State your name and address for the record.

Louis Watson: You know me, Ted. I've seen you in court many times. I live over on Williams Avenue. 301. I'm known as attorney-at-law Louis Leyland Watson. What can I help you with today?

Detective Armstrong: What can you tell us about our late D.A. Spenser Brooks?

Louis Watson: I suppose you've heard that we disagreed on his strategy for reducing underage drinking.

Detective Armstrong: Why don't you tell us about that?

Louis Watson: It's no secret. I'm sure you know that I own Ole Miss Liquors. Spenser Brooks cost me a lot of business with those malicious prosecutions.

Detective Armstrong: Upset because you can't sell to underage kids anymore?

Louis Watson: I have never sold to underage kids. My clerks always check IDs. I insist on it. What do you think the younger bunch does nowadays for fun? I asked Brooks that question, too.

Detective Armstrong: I guess you're going to tell us what he said.

Louis Watson: Yes, I am. He said they wouldn't be so many of them driving drunk anymore. He was a real smart a**.

Detective Murphy: And so you disagreed with him about the crackdown?

Louis Watson: Yes, of course, I did. Those kids will now use drugs, and that is much worse than liquor.

Detective Murphy: So, in your mind, we have to turn a blind eye to underage drinking so the kids won't use drugs?

Louis Watson: It's a real concern, or at least it should be.

Detective Armstrong: What do you think of our acting District Attorney?

Louis Watson: I have nothing but respect for Jillian. I've known her for a long time, going back to when she was in private practice. So, she's an old friend, you could say.

Detective Armstrong: As your old friend, did she sympathize with your resentment of Spenser Brooks.

Louis Watson: She understands why I was at odds with Brooks. I can actually talk to her on the subject without getting any smart remarks back from her.

Detective Armstrong: Do you hang out with all your old friends?

Louis Watson: Hang out? No, why do ask that?

Detective Armstrong: Have you ever visited her at her home?

Louis Watson: Why yes, I have, but that was a while back. What do you do? Watch everyone in Oxford? How did you know that?

Detective Murphy: Why were you there?

Louis Watson: That's none of your business, but I don't mind answering. It was about the crackdown. I was mad. Still am. My business has been negatively impacted, and I've lost a lot of my regulars. Jill agreed with me, as I said, and she said she'd try to help me if she could.

Detective Armstrong: So you left in a better mood than when you arrived?

Louis Watson: Yes, I did, as a matter of fact. Do you mind?

Detective Armstrong: Did you make threats against Spenser Brooks often?

Louis Watson: Nice try. I never threatened Brooks.

Detective Armstrong: Never?

Louis Watson: I probably made a lot of negative remarks about him, but I was just venting, is all. Wait a minute. Are you asking if I killed Spenser Brooks?

Detective Armstrong: Good question. Did you?

Louis Watson: I think it's absolutely obnoxious of you to even ask that of me. I'm an attorney, not an assassin!

Detective Murphy: Calm down, Mr. Watson. You're not in court now.

Detective Armstrong: That's right. No need to play it up for the jury.

Louis Watson: I resent that—

Detective Armstrong: Do you own a weapon? Gun maybe?

Louis Watson: Yes, I own several guns. So what? Let’s face it, the majority of citizens in Yoknapatawpha County own firearms.

Detective Armstrong: What kind of guns do you have?

Louis Watson: Look, I know you found a gun out there where Brooks was shot. That place is probably littered with weapons. It has nothing to do with me.

Detective Armstrong: Where were you on Saturday morning?

Louis Watson: I was at the store. Saturdays, I take inventory and make sure everything is right. If you're quite finished with me now, I have to go. I have a case in court first thing tomorrow, and I have to prepare.

Detective Armstrong: You can go. We might possibly want to talk to you again. We'll let you know.

Louis Watson: Sure. Why not? With the caseload I'm carrying, I can't promise I'll have time, though.

Detective Armstrong: If we need to you again, I know you'll find the time.

Louis Watson: My day started out fine, but you’ve managed to change that. Goodbye!

Detective Murphy: Just a second. What kind of vehicle do you drive, Mr. Watson?

Louis Watson: I have a Ford F150. It's silver.

Detective Murphy: Okay. Thanks for your time today.

Interview ended – 2:52 p.m.





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