Cell phone call logs


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 000333-23A-2021
Case Description: Spenser Brooks death investigation

Crime Lab analysts pulled the recent call log from a cell phone the coroner's office recovered from the victim's clothing (Ev # 000333-27).

* The Contact Names listed indicate only the name associated with the telephone number in the phone's Contacts, not the identity of the person who placed the call.

IN 01/20/2021 09:50 3 731-764-XXXX Byron
IN 01/20/2021 12:05 2 662-236-XXXX Virginia
IN 01/20/2021 16:37 5 662-236-XXXX Virginia
IN 01/20/2021 16:52 3 731-764-XXXX Byron
IN 01/21/2021 09:23 6 731-764-XXXX Byron
IN 01/21/2021 16:42 2 662-336-XXXX Virginia
IN 01/22/2021 08:47 1 731-764-XXXX Byron
IN 01/22/2021 12:07 7 731-764-XXXX Byron
OUT 01/22/2021 12:34 5 662-232-XXXX Christy
IN 01/22/2021 16:23 4 662-236-XXXX Virginia
IN 01/23/2021 08:31 1 731-764-XXXX Byron
OUT 01/23/2021 09:40 3 662-232-XXXX Christy
IN 01/23/2021 09:41 1 731-764-XXXX Byron
IN 01/23/2021 11:29 1 731-764-XXXX Byron
IN 01/23/2021 12:47 1 731-764-XXXX Byron
IN 01/23/2021 15:22 1 731-764-XXXX Byron





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