Crime scene inventory


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 003539-15G-2023
Case Description: Katherine Brown death investigation

CSU provided a preliminary inventory of items taken into evidence from the Katherine Brown homicide scene.

  • 003539-01: One (1) gym bag
    • 003539-01-01: One (1) white T-shirt
    • 003539-01-02: One (1) pair of pink shorts
    • 003539-01-03: One (1) pair of pink panties
    • 003539-01-04: One (1) pair of yellow flip-flops
    • 003539-01-05 through 003539-01-06: Two (2) Pompoms
    • 003539-01-07: One (1) wallet
    • 003539-01-08: One (1) small bottle of shampoo
    • 003539-01-09: One (1) small bottle of conditioner
    • 003539-01-10: One (1) small bottle of body wash
    • 003539-01-11: One (1) towel
    • 003539-01-12: One (1) brush
    • 003539-01-13: One (1) comb
    • 003539-01-14 through 003539-01-16: Three (3) tampons
    • 003539-01-17: One (1) lipstick
    • 003539-01-18: One (1) concealer
    • 003539-01-19: One (1) pressed powder compact
  • 003539-02: One (1) cell phone
  • 003539-03 through 003539-05: Three (3) blond hairs, 2 cm
  • 003539-06: One (1) contact lens
  • 003539-07: One (1) open cigarette package, six (6) cigarettes remaining
  • 003539-08: One (1) cigarette butt with reddish stain on filter end.


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