Search – Storage space


Investigating Officer(s): Det. P. Beckwith, Det. J. Magee
Incident No.: 005299-18J-2023
Case Description: Hoyt Biffle homicide investigation

Investigator's Note: The storage unit at Locked Away Storage that Hoyt Biffle was paying for according to records found at his residence was rented under the name of "H. B. Storrey." Inside the storage unit, a small office was set up with a computer.




October 27, 2023


October 27, 2023

at 12:00 p.m.


on premises

Locked Away Storage
99 MS-30 East, Unit #42
Oxford, MS 38655


Detectives Paul Beckwith and Jo Allyn Magee of the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department and on premises.


I received the attached search warrant October 27, 2023, and have executed it as follows:

On October 27, 2023, at 1:00 p.m., I searched the person or premises described in the warrant and left a copy of the warrant with on premises.



  • 005299-111: One (1) laptop computer, S/N XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  • 005299-112: One (1) USB-C flash drive, 64 GB
    • 005299-112-01: one (1) file folder labeled, “Bell” containing scanned news clippings, bank records.
    • 005299-112-02: one (1) file folder labeled, “Catalan” containing bank records, insurance records, and deeds to vacation properties.
    • 005299-112-03: one (1) file folder labeled, “Caufield” containing bank records.
    • 005299-112-04: one (1) file folder labeled, “Devlin” containing credit card statements.
    • 005299-112-05: one (1) file folder labeled, “Dole” containing credit card statements.
    • 005299-112-06: one (1) file folder labeled, “Higley” containing credit card statements, purchase orders.
    • 005299-112-07: one (1) file folder labeled, “Insley” containing bank statements.
    • 005299-112-08: one (1) file folder labeled, “Jurado” containing credit card statements, purchase orders.
    • 005299-112-09: one (1) file folder labeled, “Kesler” containing credit card statements.
    • 005299-112-10: one (1) file folder labeled, “Ostrom” containing bank statements.
    • 005299-112-11: one (1) file folder labeled, “Timmins” containing nine photographs of injuries to an unidentified woman; a screenshot of an 8chan conversation between an "Art Timmins" and a "H.B. Storrey" in which Timmins alludes to beating up "Scarlet Lamb" for sexual gratification.
    • 005299-112-12: one (1) file folder labeled, “Tinley” containing seven pictures of a drone outside a building; records of a subscription to Under Glass, along with website access timestamps dating from December 2021 (92 times)
    • 005299-112-13: one (1) file folder labeled, “Van Lise” containing bank statements.
    • 005299-112-14: one (1) file folder labeled, “Vance” containing Under Glass resident application for Jessilee Vance; records of a subscription to Under Glass, along with website access timestamps dating March 2022 (286 times)
    • 005299-112-15: one (1) file folder labeled, “Williams” containing credit card statements. 
  • 005299-113: One (1) ADATA SD700 external drive, 1 TB, black; labeled "Augie"
  • 005299-114: One (1) ADATA SD700 external drive, 1 TB, black; labeled "Grant"
  • 005299-115: One (1) ADATA SD700 external drive, 1 TB, black; labeled "Nash"
  • 005299-116: One (1) ADATA SD700 external drive, 1 TB, yellow; labeled "Raisa"
  • 005299-117: One (1) ADATA SD700 external drive, 1 TB, yellow; labeled "Violet"
  • 005299-118: One (1) mini drone with damage to the battery housing and rotor motor; S/N XXXXXXXXXXXX




I swear that this inventory is a true and detailed account of the person or property taken by me on the warrant.

//Jo Allyn Magee
Detective - Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department

Subscribed, sworn to, and returned before me this 28th day of October, 2023.

//Harold R. McAfee
Yoknapatawpha County Court Judge


Yoknapatawpha County Court

in the

State of Mississippi

In the matter of the search of:


99 MS-30 East, Unit #42
Oxford, MS 38655

Case Number: 005299-18J-2023

To Detective Paul Beckwith and any Authorized Officer of Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi.

Affidavit(s) having been made before me by Detective Paul Beckwith

who has reason to believe that on the premises known as

99 MS-30 East, Unit #42, Oxford, MS, which is a climate-controlled self-storage unit leased to Hoyt Biffle;

in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi, there is now concealed a person or property, namely

internal and external data storage devices; financial records; documents, digital files, photographs, or other materials bearing the name, street address, email address, or likeness of Cole Bell; documents, digital files, photographs, or other materials bearing the name, street address, email address, or likeness of Hoyt Biffle; documents, digital files, photographs, or other materials bearing the name, street address, email address, or likeness of Brandy Catalan; documents, digital files, photographs, or other materials bearing the name, street address, email address, or likeness of Matt Caufield; documents, digital files, photographs, or other materials bearing the name, street address, email address, or likeness of Evan Devlin; documents, digital files, photographs, or other materials bearing the name, street address, email address, or likeness of Kristi Dole; documents, digital files, photographs, or other materials bearing the name, street address, email address, or likeness of Michael Higley; documents, digital files, photographs, or other materials bearing the name, street address, email address, or likeness of Mary Insley; documents, digital files, photographs, or other materials bearing the name, street address, email address, or likeness of Samuel Jurado; documents, digital files, photographs, or other materials bearing the name, street address, email address, or likeness of Christopher Kelser; documents, digital files, photographs, or other materials bearing the name, street address, email address, or likeness of Kelly Ostrom; documents, digital files, photographs, or other materials bearing the name, street address, email address, or likeness of Art Timmins; documents, digital files, photographs, or other materials bearing the name, street address, email address, or likeness of Opal Tinley; documents, digital files, photographs, or other materials bearing the name, street address, email address, or likeness of Under Glass or its past or present participants; documents, digital files, photographs, or other materials bearing the name, street address, email address, or likeness of Delaney Van Lise; documents, digital files, photographs, or other materials bearing the name, street address, email address, or likeness of Preston Vance; documents, digital files, photographs, or other materials bearing the name, street address, email address, or likeness of Faline Williams;

and as I am satisfied that there is probable cause to believe that the person or property so described is now concealed on the person or premises above described and that grounds for application for issuance of the search warrant exist as stated in the supporting affidavit(s).

YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to search on or before November 6, 2023 (not to exceed 10 days) the person or property specified, serving this warrant and making the search in the daytime (6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.). If the person or property be found there seize same, leaving a copy of this warrant and receipt for the person or property taken and prepare a written inventory of the person or property seized and promptly return this warrant to US Judge or Magistrate,

At Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi

Dated this October 27, 2023, at 11:30 a.m.

//Harold R. McAfee
Yoknapatawpha County Court Judge




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