Lacey Mitchell bio
Lacey Deanne Mitchell was born on October 8, 2004, in Oxford, Mississippi, and was her mother, Karen’s, pride and joy. Karen Mitchell wanted children but not a mate, so she contracted with a male acquaintance to be a biological father with no other parental rights or responsibilities.
Karen enjoyed her job at the family-owned Johnson’s Furniture. Her salary was enough to cover decent housing and ample food, and she primarily shopped at garage sales and thrift stores for clothing, furniture, and amenities.
Lacey was bright and inquisitive, and at times, her questioning about a subject bordered on relentless and annoying. When Lacey was five, Karen found a set of World Book Encyclopedias at a swap meet that was cheap because it was printed in 2003 and so slightly outdated. These books became Lacey’s bedtime stories.
Lacey attended public school and was an excellent student until fifth grade, when her family tree project clearly showed that she had no father, and she was targeted and mocked by a group of students. Lacey’s grades slipped, and she was barely promoted to sixth grade. That summer, Lacey joined a study group run by a college honors student and debate team member named Sage, who became a mentor and family friend.
Sage boosted Lacey’s confidence by coaching her in the art of persuasion. Lacey’s interest in debate became an obsession, and she attended every debate tournament she could, either with Sage or with Karen. By the time Lacey graduated from middle school, she knew she wanted to be a trial lawyer.
Lacey maintained good grades throughout her early high school years and was a major asset to the school’s debate team. Junior year started strong for Lacey until Karen was injured in a car accident and was unable to work for four months. Lacey had to take a part-time job to make ends meet at home. Her grades suffered, and she had to quit the debate team so she could be available for work.
By the beginning of her senior year, Lacey was able to quit her job, allowing her to refocus on school and the debate team. She finished high school strong, but she lacked the GPA to get scholarships and couldn’t afford university, so she applied to Northwest Mississippi Community College.
Lacey studies psychology and criminal justice and intends to transfer to Ole Miss once she completes her two-year degree. In the meantime, with Karen’s help, Lacey is saving money toward her goal.
Currently, she lives rent-free in a house owned by local entrepreneur Hoyt Biffle, who live-streams the residents 24/7 in exchange for allowing them to live there rent-free. She also receives a monthly stipend from Biffle based in part on viewership and popularity.