Man with brown hair and mustache wearing a red baseball cap

Tucker Allison bio

Eugene Tucker Allison was born in Oxford, Mississippi, on May 3, 1982. His family owned a farm about 10 miles outside of town in the Taylor community, and Tucker works that same farm today.

Tucker was the second son of James and Marie Allison. James was a second-generation farmer who raised livestock and rented out cotton fields around the area to various sharecroppers. His wife, the former Marie Tucker, attended the University of Mississippi and became a schoolteacher in Oxford.

Tucker's brother, James Jr., left Mississippi to be an engineer in Texas following his education at Mississippi State University. He died in January 2019 of lymphatic cancer.

Tucker continued the family livestock farm after his father passed away in 2005. The following year, Allison married Sheila Baptiste, from Philadelphia, Mississippi. They have a son, 11-year-old Freddy, and a daughter, Rose, 8.

In addition to livestock, Allison rents cotton and corn fields throughout the area. He also owns several rental houses in Taylor and Oxford.

Sheriff's department records show Tucker Allison reported a burglary at his home on March 22, 2012. Allison also reported finding several of his cows had been spray-painted on September 14, 2019.


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