Contest Finalists

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{tab title=The Winners}The Viewers' Choice Winner is Claudia for her entry "Forever Gone." Claudia wins a $30 gift certificate to the Crime Scene Store.

The Viewers' Choice Runner-Up is Craig Gidley for his entry "Deadly Ecstasy." Craig wins a $20 gift certificate to the Crime Scene Store.

The Staff Choice Winner is john taylor for his entry "Out-of-Town Girl." John wins a 60-day Crime Scene membership.

Congratulations to all the winners! Information on how to collect your prize will be sent to the email address you submitted with your entry.

Click on each tab to read all of the top entries.


{tab title=Deadly Ecstasy} It was the son of the storage company owner. He was obsessed with the victim, and after many attempts finally got the victim to agree to a date. He laced her drink with a large dose of ecstasy hoping she would fall for him. Unfortunately he gave her a lethal dose. He placed her in an empty storage locker to spend as much time with her as possible even though she was dead. {/tab} {tab title=Ambush} Sleeping Beauty and a friend were planning to ambush and rob a gentleman they had had contact with through a social classifieds service. Or so she thought. In the end is was she who was being ambushed by her "friend" Shelby. Unbeknownst to SB, Shelby was actually the younger sister of one of Sleeping Beauty's old flings she had been cruel to and caused to commit suicide. For years Shelby had been plotting and planning. Working her way into Sleeping Beauty's social circle, in to her circle of friends, and eventually in to position as her best friend all while she had been waiting to exact her revenge for her brother's suicide. {/tab} {tab title=Fatal Meeting} The victim, had planned to meet the employee of storage unit at Duane's Store-O-Rama, towards the afterhours of his shift anther friend had showed up and became illicit towards the victim as she defended her self verbally against the friend, the friend became violent and while the employee was in the store finishing up he’s chores the friend struggled with the victim chocking her, he then wrapped her up in plastic drop cloth and then coerced the employee to leave with him without allowing the employee to see what he had done. {/tab} {tab title=The Romantics} On 6 18 2011 the victim and a group that called themselves the Hopeless Romantics decided to get together at Duane’s Store-O-Rama since the group had a unit there in which to read and practice some of literature’s greatest love stories. The members of the group are Lucille (Lucy) Hadmore the group’s leader, Jerimy (Jer) Low the rich kid, Bianca (B) Jackson the groups story expert and Jammer ( Jams) Austin the outcast and finally we have (Sleeping Beauty) A.K.A. Tiffany Westwood. When the group, whose ages range from 16 – 18 years old, arrived at the unit they had observed that Jammer was against the west wall slumped over with what appeared to be blood where his head would have rested upon this site Tiffany tried to revive him several times without luck. This is when Bianca recited the story of the tragic love of Romeo and Juliet in which Juliet sees Romeo dead and commits suicide by drinking poison.

True to the group Tiffany who was in love with Jammer suggested that she also follow him into the afterlife. So she had her friends Lucile, Jerimy, and Bianca help her. They had made some “poison” that Tiffany was to drink at this time Jammer woke from a self imposed death ( he was good at slowing his heart rate down to make it look and “feel” like death) and proceeded to help with the false death of Tiffany. They had decided to wrap Tiffany in clear plastic so if she needed help they would be able to see her face, she drank the “poison” which was a mixture of nightquil Tylenol with codeine and sleeping pills, gotten from one of the kids homes, after drinking the friends finished wrapping her in plastic and tying it at the top as well as taping the bag at her ankles and waist but leaving the bag loose around her with the thought that she would have air for when she woke.

As the day progressed the members left one by one as they finished out the scenes that followed the death until the only one left was Jammer. Who had turned himself in for questioning, said that he had tried to wake Tiffany several times but could not, when asked why he did not remove the plastic covering he stated he was scared and went for help at about 6:00 P.M. when he returned he noticed the police there and didn’t want to be arrested for the death which he said was an accident and was confirmed by the others when questioned and corroborated by the autopsy report. {/tab} {tab title=Barefoot Strangler} The victim was going to meet a person for a sexual rendezvous. The attacker then was getting a little too aggressive, (maybe she told him to use the condom, and he refused) so the victim punched the attacker and his blood spattered to the wall. This enraged the attacker who then strangled the victim. In order to keep people from finding the body quickly due to decomp smell, he wrapped the body in plastic. He also took her wallet with ID to slow down the ID by the police. While leaving he realized the lock was in her purse which was still inside. He was ready to go back in when an approaching vehicle startled him, and he just left. His shoes were left by mistake; he had them off so as not to leave shoe impressions anywhere. {/tab} {tab title=Out-of-Town Girl} She more likely lives in another state. That's why she is still unrecognized. Based on the evidence presented, she is tied inside a plastic bag. Based on my deductive reasoning, the real scenario was that she was killed by someone who lives in Mississippi. They met outside the state, and more likely were dating for quite some time. However, the victim doesn’t know exactly who she is dealing with. I guess we have a psychopath on the loose. She is killed with the small knife, however did not die of loss of blood but mainly suffocation. She fainted before she was put inside the plastic bag. Adding to this, some facts would change some of the facts given in the incident report. Based on the rigor mortis, she died 3-4 hours ago; however we have not taken the possibility that the temperature is colder before we have seen the body. The splatter is indicated beside the wall; however it is not given as a crime scene photo. This gives me an idea that the amount of blood present there is too small to be considered for the murder. That's why the small knife must be connected. Third, the make-up, which indicates that what we have can be a psychopath. She is treated, on my opinion, like a prize, collectable doll put inside its casing.

A man filled with love and fond of beautiful women has found a prize possession. He invited her in his place and tried to make out with her. That's why she has a condom, or she can be a hooker. He stabbed and suffocated her to a deep sleep of death. He then noticed that the lipstick more likely is messed-up, so he fixed it himself. He then put her to the plastic bag and tied like a toy prepared to be sold in Duane's Store-O-Rama. The temperature from the time of death up to the arrival of the police is different. The temperature in a normal storage area is 3 degrees Celsius to avoid spoilage. The lock came mainly from the front door, which the sheriff saw. The killer forgot that the door was opened, so the hot air came inside the room leveling it to 32 degrees Celsius. He turned the cooling system down. Likely it will take at least 2 hours till the air will come at room temperature. With that, the time of death will be 2-3 hours considering the temperature both of the storage room before and the storage room when the door is left opened. The only one with the access in storage room (obviously) is the owner of the store. Considering other forensic evidence, the saliva which can be collected in the plastic (notice that there is a kiss mark in the plastic, more likely she kiss the victim goodbye). Another point is that he is not home at that time, which is quite suspicious. This gives the conclusion that the store owner killed sleeping beauty. {/tab} {tab title=Girl Fight} Jane Doe and "the sleeping beauty", two very good friends, were going out to dinner. Before, Jane was VERY angry at "the sleeping beauty" aka. "SB" for an unknown reason, so she packed many items in her purse including: 36" length of string small utility knife red lipstick

She also wrote her partner-in-crimes' number on a piece of paper for contact in case anything happened. They went to dinner and Jane told "SB" She has a present for her so Jane took "SB" to the bathroom. Then she took her utility knife and threatened "SB" to stay in the bathroom. She went to her car and brought a big plastic bag. Jane returned with it and took out her utility knife. She got closer and took "SB's" hand and made a big mark on her wrist. She put the utility knife back in her purse and took out the piece of string. Afraid people would see, she locked the bathroom door. She then put SB in the plastic bag and tied it on the top with the string. She put went through the back door and put SB in her car. She drove to the apartment unit and put SB on the bed. THE END {/tab} {tab title=Forever Gone} The clock struck 23h40 just as we pulled up to the devastation. The moon ripped through the silent fog as the wind whistled a sorrowful tune. I stepped into the 12 by 12 foot room; the walls seemed to close in on me as I was hit with the all too familiar smell of death. Someone’s life had just been cut short.

“She’s a Jane Doe, there is a purse on the wooden container it contains no wallet but has a number written on piece of paper, no name, that’s where CSU comes in.” My partner Ted Armstrong informed me. Some sort of splatter caught my eye it didn’t seem like blood but I tested it anyway, negative. Yet another dead end just liked the male basket shoes and the fact that there was no sign of forced entry, one dead end after another. The body was one of a young female; she had hazel eyes and was about 6’ 5”. She was dressed in a black dress, with black fishnet stocking but weirdly enough she was wearing male hobnail boots, the second pair of male shoes. Her hands lay on her stomach, her elbows were bent about 90 degrees and she was wrapped in a clear painter’s plastic sheeting. She was pronounced dead at 00h15 and her approximated time of death was 3 to 4 hours prior. We tried to contact the owner of the storage but he never answered how convenient? All we could do for now was wait.

Later we found out that the number was that of a Miss Maxine Cater and her address wasn’t too far from us, she was our victim’s roommate. Our victim was 19 and her name was Claire Dobson we got informed that she had a ex boyfriend that had been following her around for the past few weeks. His name was Craig, just Craig, get this he worked at as a painter. Finally after an intense investigation we got a break through.

We found Craig and brought him into custardy, the paint we found on him matched that we found in the storage unit wall. He confessed that he had strangled her. The cause of death was an over dose, during all this commotion we had found a witness, the owner of Duane’s Storage-O-Rama, he had contacted us he said that he saw our victim walking in there with a young lady he described as Maxine Cater.

Our victim, Claire had stage 4 brain cancer and she wanted to go out dignified, she had men’s shoes to feel safe, all that, our culprit, Miss Cater had to do was get rid of the body. It would be going to be easier to transport the body in the plastic but the guard started calling and Miss Cater ran. She was arrested and Craig was released he didn’t think Miss Cater deserved jail. It’s a cruel world but maybe one day the world will be fair but not today. {/tab} {/tabs} 



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