Interview: Heather Brandt

Friday, March 16, 2012 - 3:55 p.m.

Heather Brandt is the mother of the boy who brought the skull to school. The interview was conducted at Oxford Middle School and was recorded on a portable audio tape recorder with the witness' knowledge and consent.


  • Detective T. Armstrong
  • Detective S. Murphy
  • Heather Brandt

Detective Armstrong: Thank you for taking time off work this afternoon, Mrs. Brandt. We'll keep this short. Could you please state your name and address for the record?

Heather Brandt: Certainly. Heather Brandt, 205 Brittany Dr. here in Oxford.

Detective Armstrong: Thank you. Mrs. Brandt, we would like to talk to you about your son RJ.

Heather Brandt: Sure, I know the skull thing is pretty odd, isn't it?

Detective Murphy: What do you mean by odd?

Heather Brandt: Well, just a human skull? I mean, it is a human skull, isn't it?

Detective Armstrong: We're still determining that, but it looks like it could be.

Detective Murphy: Mrs. Brandt, is RJ having trouble in school?

Heather Brandt: I don't think so. Well, I mean he's not an honor roll student, but I think he's doing OK.

Detective Murphy: He dresses pretty dark, doesn't he?

Heather Brandt: It's just a phase he's going through. That's not a big deal as far as I'm concerned. We all went through phases when we were younger. I don't think it means he's going to kill someone.

Detective Armstrong: Didn't say it meant he would, Mrs. Brandt. Does RJ have many friends?

Heather Brandt: I believe he has a couple friends, but I don't know for sure. I work a lot of hours, and unfortunately I don't get to spend as much time with my son as I would like to.

Detective Murphy: When we talked with RJ, he made a comment about being a widower, but with him it was his sister. What do you think he meant by that?

Heather Brandt: I don't know. He hasn't really been the same since Katrina. I wish I had the money to take him to a psychiatrist, but I don't. I try to talk to him, but he's in that phase where he knows all, and we know nothing.

Detective Armstrong: Where do you think the skull came from?

Heather Brandt: I'm assuming the backyard like he said. He has been digging around back there, something about wanting to make his own swimming pool. Keeps him busy and out of trouble. Well, I mean it did until now.

Detective Murphy: What does RJ like to do in his spare time?

Heather Brandt: Well, like I said, I'm not at home as much as I'd like to be, but I know he rides his skateboard, watches wrestling, listens to music. I can't think of anything else at the moment, but he really is a good boy.

Detective Armstrong: When you lived in Biloxi, did RJ have many friends?

Heather Brandt: Oh, he had some, but he's not a real social person. He likes to stick to himself.

Detective Murphy: Well, thank you for talking to us, Mrs. Brandt, and for letting us talk to RJ. We appreciate your time, and I'm sure we'll be talking to you more as we continue our investigation. You can take RJ home now.

Heather Brandt: You're welcome, Detectives. Happy to help.

Interview ends: 4:11 p.m.

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