Frederick "Stix" Wallace interview
Sunday, February 4, 2024 – 10:45 p.m.
Frederick Wallace was at the party hosted by Blake Jenson the night he died.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy interviewed him at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Frederick "Stix" Wallace
Detective Murphy: For the record, please state your name and address.
Fred Wallace: Stix, Water Valley, Mississippi.
Detective Armstrong: Real name. We need a real name and a house number. You do realize this is serious?
Fred Wallace: Whatever, Fred Wallace, 912 Stevens Street. Is that better?
Detective Murphy: You were at Blake Jenson's house tonight when he died.
Fred Wallace: Yep, I was there.
Detective Armstrong: Tell us about the night, and start with your arrival.
Fred Wallace: I rang the doorbell, and Kade let me in. She's a hot little number. I asked her to take me to Blake. She led me to the game room, and I told him I was there and ready to compete.
Detective Murphy: Did he know what you meant by that statement?
Fred Wallace: Listen, lady, our meeting was prearranged. He knew exactly what I meant.
Detective Armstrong: Do not address her that way again. It's "Detective" to you. Got it?
Fred Wallace: Sure, calm your jets, dude.
Detective Armstrong: Back to the subject. You said your meeting was planned. When was this plan made?
Fred Wallace: A few days ago, I ran into him at McDonald's. I threw down the gauntlet. He said 7:00 p.m. Sunday, and the rest is history.
Detective Murphy: So, you walk in, and the competition begins?
Fred Wallace: He was playing some video game, so I had to wait for him to finish.
Detective Armstrong: What did you do while you were waiting?
Fred Wallace: I hit on that hot chick I mentioned earlier and managed to get her number. I knew she was the rhythm guitar player in his band, and I figured if I played my cards right, I could beat the little freak at Guitar Hero and steal his guitar player.
Detective Armstrong: A real stand-up guy, aren't you?
Fred Wallace: That's what they say.
Detective Murphy: What made you think this Kade would fall for your little scheme?
Fred Wallace: Well, I pulled her against me and kissed her within ten minutes of meeting her. What do you think?
Detective Armstrong: Did you beat Blake?
Fred Wallace: I would have, but just before we were about to start, someone yelled, "Food!" and everyone jumped up like they hadn't eaten in days.
Detective Murphy: What happened next?
Fred Wallace: I went outside and smoked a cigarette. I went to my car, took a drink of my whiskey, and went back in and talked to Kade a little. Then I went back to the game room to get it over with.
Detective Armstrong: To get it over with? Did you kill Blake Jenson?
Fred Wallace: Yeah, in the few seconds that the lights were out, I found him in the dark and strangled him to death.
Detective Murphy: Come on, Stix, what really happened?
Fred Wallace: Damn, lady, I don't know! I went there to humiliate and beat him at the game, not to kill him. I figured he choked on his breadstick anyway.
Detective Armstrong: You were in the room when he died?
Fred Wallace: Yes, I was choosing my weapon. Don't look at me like that! My weapon would be my guitar controller. Blake was acting like he was six, jumping around with that breadstick singing, "Light my fire" to that little gal who works at McDonald's. It was pathetic.
Detective Armstrong: Enough with the editorial. What happened next?
Fred Wallace: Then it was dark, then it wasn't, and there he was dead on the floor with his guitar right there with him.
Detective Murphy: Did you notice anything that seemed out of place or odd?
Fred Wallace: Everyone there seemed odd to me. They're a bunch of losers. Oh, wait, the pizza dude was shooting daggers at Blake. Maybe he killed him.
Detective Murphy: Did the pizza dude leave the kitchen?
Fred Wallace: I don't know, I wasn't babysitting him, you know? Look, I've been here for hours, and I'm hungry. I've told you everything I know. Can I exit now?
Detective Murphy: Sure. We may need to talk to you again, though, so don't go far.
Fred Wallace: I don't have any big trips planned. Later.
Interview ended – 11:08 p.m.