Crime Scene Evidence Files

Solving murders in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi since 1995. Examine the evidence and solve the case.

Which suspects' alibis couldn't be verified?

Examine the relevant case files

Moran case alibis

Alibi check

Investigation Day 9 — Investigators summarized the alibis for persons of interest in the Kelly Moran homicide investigation and whether those alibis could be corroborated.


  1898 Hits

Where are the detectives looking for evidence in Kelly's murder?

Examine the relevant case files

Searches for evidence in the Kelly Moran investigation

Moran case search warrants

Investigation Day 9 — YCSD investigators obtained warrants to search for evidence in the Kelly Moran investigation at a number of locations.


  1347 Hits

Does Nicolette tell the same story as Trish?

Examine the relevant case files

Nicolette confirmed and refuted some claims about Kelly and her circle of friends

Nicolette Cuthbert 2nd interview

Investigation Day 7 — The detectives asked Nicolette to come in for an interview so they could follow up on their recent conversation with Trish Lee.


  1570 Hits

Do Trish's revelations shed any light on what happened to Kelly?

Examine the relevant case files

Trish spills the beans about the ladies' recreational activities and more

Trish Lee 2nd interview

Investigation Day 7 — The detectives talked to Trish again to get additional insight into how the ladies spent their leisure time together and more.


  1416 Hits

How much does pharmacist Lorraine really know about Kelly's drug use?

Examine the relevant case files

Lorraine Estrada filled the victim's pain med prescriptions

Lorraine Estrada 2nd interview

Investigation Day 7 — The detectives asked Lorraine Estrada to come in for an interview in hopes that she, as Kelly Moran's pharmacist and friend, could shed some light on Kelly's prescription drug usage and related issues.


  1480 Hits

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