Evidence inventory


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 002394-12E-2024
Case Description: Jasmine Ledbetter homicide investigation

The following items were taken into evidence from the crime scene in the woods along Highway 7, south of Regional Center Drive.

The scene is still being processed. Any additional evidence collected will be added to future reports.


Collected from the Highway 7 crime scene

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  • 002394-01: One (1) clear tarp, 6' by 8', that was wrapped around the victim
  • 002394-02: One (1) Kroger Plus shopper's card, recovered from underneath the body
  • 002394-03: One (1) cell phone, recovered four feet west of the victim
  • 002394-04: One (1) black purse with contents, recovered from the victim's right arm
    • 002394-04-01: One (1) pair of diamond earrings
    • 002394-04-02: One(1) nametag, plastic with the name: "Jasmine"
    • 002394-04-03: One (1) Square Pizza keychain with keys
    • 002394-04-04: One (1) hairbrush
    • 002394-04-05: One (1) Sharpie pen, black
    • 002394-04-06: One (1) ballpoint pen
    • 002394-04-07: One (1) fingernail clippers
    • 002394-04-08: One (1) container of hand lotion
    • 002394-04-09: One (1) wallet containing
      • 002394-04-09-01: One (1) Mississippi driver's license issued to Jasmine Ledbetter
      • 002394-04-09-02: One (1) Renasant Bank debit card
      • $31.28 cash
  • 002394-05 through 002394-06: Two (2) samples of blood collected from a leaf under the body



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