Monday, August 10 2020
  1 Replies
  727 Visits
What's the history of Zina Jacinto?

•John and Mary Skeleton die a not very common death. (Was there an investigation done in the wake of this incident?)

• Her neighbor Victor Jennings was murdered.
Here, she makes some comments about finally having some peace. (Were there any arrests made for this murder? Was it solved? If not, are there case files for this murder?)

• "the pastor of her beloved church was murdered on Easter Sunday" the brief states that Zina started attending church more immediately after this guy was murdered. (Was this case ever solved? And if not, do these files still exist/is there an active investigation or is this cold by now?)
Asking because it looks to me like there's some unresolved issues here.
• if these aren't resolved, was/is Zina ever a person of interest or investigated?
And as far as I can tell, 4 deaths, 2 bizarre and 2 back to back murders are a red flag. Unless these files were never questioned or explored already.
I'd like to find out if there was something related. Miss Jacinto doesn't seem to care for people disturbing the status quo.

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