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Biography: Mallory Benson, Victim's Friend

Mallory Benson was born in Oxford to George and Cecilia Benson on May 13, 1967. She was a happy, bright kid, whose downfall was her burning desire to make everyone happy and keep the peace among her three siblings: Martin, Matthew, and Michael.

She was what teachers called "a natural" at creative writing. Everyone predicted big things in her future as an author, but because of her shyness and lack of self-confidence, she used her skill to write technical manuals, business letters and business newsletters for many years. The happiest day of her life was when she finally took a chance and submitted her novel, Tender Dreams, to a small regional publishing house and was published. From there, she also published book of short stories, The House of Secrets, and two subsequent novels, Essence of Life and The M Brothers. Though her novels and short stories were lauded by critics, the sales have not been what she and her publishing house had hoped. She continues to do technical writing to supplement her income, while still making a modest living as a novelist. She enjoys a loyal readership, but has yet to enjoy the status of best-selling author, though friends, family and associates assure her it is just beyond the horizon.

She is one of the most popular and well-liked members of the the Oxford Writers Circle and was one of its founding members.

She met Zoe Chase when Zoe first came to Oxford in 1997. They had a little fender-bender in the parking lot at James Foods. They exchanged numbers and when they got to talking, they found out they had the common bond of writing, Mallory invited Zoe to join the Oxford Writers Circle. Though some of the other writers found Zoe to be a bit brash, Mallory admired her open and forthright manner and her panache. On the topic of writing, they had many things in common and seemed to have an understanding that Mallory had not had with other members of the group. She was one of Zoe's strongest champions in the group.

Mallory is considered a good friend and neighbor to those who know her, and is described as "good-hearted, understanding and a great listener." She is a tireless volunteer at the local Rape Crisis Center, a group she became involved in when a childhood friend, Susan Sullivan, was raped and brutalized. For recreation she putters in her herb garden and prepares gourmet meals for friends at small dinner parties.

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