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Game Files

The victim came into possession of a game before he was murdered. It is available here in formats for PCs and Macintosh computers.

Directions For Part Two
PC Computer Directions: Macintosh Directions:
  • Download the game file here.
  • Locate the file you've downloaded on your hard disk. It is a compressed file called called part2.zip.
  • Open the file. This will place four files on your compter called rain, island-part1, island-part2, and rembetika
  • Move the four files to the same location as the part one files, that you downloaded using the part one directions below. Those part one files are named start and sound.
  • Once all files are in the same folder location, double-click the start file from part one and begin.
  • Note you must travel through the game again to reach part two which starts once you're navigating the submarine.
  • Download the game file here.
  • Locate the file you've downloaded on your hard disk. It is a compressed file called called part2.zip.
  • Open the file. This will place four files on your compter called rain, island-part1, island-part2, and rembetika
  • Move the four files to the same location as the part one files, that you downloaded using the part one directions below. Those part one files are named start and sound.
  • Once all files are in the same folder location, double-click the start file from part one and begin.
  • Note you must travel through the game again to reach part two which starts once you're navigating the submarine.
Directions For Part One
PC Computer Directions: Macintosh Directions:
  1. Download the game file here.
  2. Locate the file you've downloaded on your hard disk. It is a compressed file called called pc.zip.
  3. Open the file. This will place two files on your compter called "start" and "sound."
  4. Double-click the start file and begin.
  1. Download the game file here.
  2. Locate the file you've downloaded on your hard disk. It is a compressed file called called mac.sit.
  3. Open the file. This will place two files on your compter called "start" and "sound."
  4. Double-click the start file and begin.
You may need an unzip utility for PCs or an unstuff utility for Macintosh to uncompress the game file. Go to www.shareware.com for free software.

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