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Pearl & Harry Investigations

Pictured above, Pearl Monroe's grandson, Harry Lear

Pearl Monroe was born Pearl Thompson in Monroeville in 1934. She married Harry Monroe at the age of 19 and had two children, James and Elouise. When her children were grown, she went to work at a small private investigations based in Frisco City. In 1991, she lost her husband Harry to cancer. At the age of 57, she found she didn't know what to do with her life. She sold the house and moved to Oxford MS to be nearer her son James and his wife Helena. She thought about opening her own private investigations business. After all, she knew the trade inside out. In October 1992, she applied for a PI's license and began looking for premises. Her daughter Elouise fell in love and married an Englishman, Edward Lear, in 1978. Pearl became a grandmother in 1981 when Elouise gave birth to Harry in London, England.

Elouise, Edward and Harry flew to see Pearl at Christmas in 1992. Sadly, their vehicle was involved in a head on collision en route from Memphis to Oxford, which left Edward and Elouise dead, and Harry orphaned at the age of 11. Pearl put Harry back together again. Not only that, but between them they found the man responsible for the crash which devastated both their lives. Pearl is now in her 60's but as sharp and strong as ever. In 1995 she started Pearl & Harry Investigations. As a mark of her gratitude to the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department for their help in bringing her daughter and son-in-law's killer to justice, Pearl offers to help out with anything they need assistance on. Since his parents' death, Harry Lear has helped his grandmother on a number of investigations, in which his computer skills have proved especially useful. Together they form PHI.

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