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Evidence: Gunshot/Primer Residue Test Results


Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy, Det. T. Armstrong
Incident No.: 003255-04K-2002
Case Description: Wenzel Hitzig homicide

Forensics Office T.R. Douglas conducted atomic absorption gunshot/primer residue tests on Arlene Melton and Tate Moore at SOC.

For each subject, 5 swabs dipped in a 5% solution of nitric acid were applied to differing locations in the test area(s), in accordance with evidence handling procedures laid down by Yoknapatawpha County Forensics department.

Subject: Arlene Melton

Test Area(s):

Subject's left and right hands and left shoulder wound were tested.


Both tests were positive in finding trace amounts of barium and antimony compounds. The hand swabs found traces most strongly on the palm side of the first and second fingers and joint between thumb and first finger.


The subject either handled or was in close proximity to a weapon being fired. Distance determinations for trace elements in shoulder wound can not be conclusive without weapon tests being performed. However the small trace elements of residue found would suggest a distance determination of between 3 and 5 feet.

Subject: Tate Moore

Test Area(s):

Subject's left and right hands were tested.


Both tests were negative in finding trace amounts of barium and antimony compounds.


Subject unlikely to have fired weapon or been in close proximity to weapon when discharged.


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