Crime Scene Evidence Files

Solving murders in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi since 1995. Examine the evidence and solve the case.

Finding out what the coroner learned

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Coroner's report on the head

Coroner's report on head

Investigation Day 6 — The Yoknapatawpha County Coroner's Office issued a preliminary report on their findings from the autopsy of the head found in Taylor, MS.

  1636 Hits

Reviewing preliminary forensics results

Examine the relevant case files

Preliminary evidence analysis

Body parts evidence analysis

Taylor, MS evidence analysis

Investigation Day 6 — The crime lab performed a rush analysis of the severed body parts and of the evidence collected from the vandalism and bucket scenes. They sent reports on their preliminary findings. Additional analyses are ongoing.

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Interviewing Roy Strong

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Roy Strong

Roy Strong interview

Roy Strong biography
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Investigation Day 5 — Detectives Armstrong and Murphy called Roy Strong at his home in Florida to find out what he had to say about his time in Taylor and about his brother, JC Strong.

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Checking long distance calls at the Shivers residence

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Shivers residence long distance calls

Callie Shivers residence long distance calls

Investigation Day 4 — Callie Shivers provided the detectives with records of long distance calls to and from her residence since the first of the year. The landline these calls were made from is shared by all of the roommates and is occasionally used by visitors.

  1530 Hits

Interviewing JC Strong

Examine the relevant case files

JC Strong

JC Strong interview

JC Strong biography
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Investigation Day 5 — After neighbors reported seeing JC Strong at his home again, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy arranged for him to come in to find out what he knows about the head found in a bucket near his house and to talk about his relationships with Laurie Daniels, Callie Shivers and Forrest Burgess.

  1589 Hits

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