Crime Scene Evidence Files

Solving murders in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi since 1995. Examine the evidence and solve the case.

Action News has the story of murder at the pageant

Action News has the story of murder at the pageant

News video

Investigation Day 1 — The local news reports live from the crime scene, where one of the pageant contestants was reported missing shortly before a body was found.

  1435 Hits

The Crime Beat is on the case of the beauty queen mystery

Likely pageant winner slain

Likely pageant winner slain

Investigation Day 1 — The Crime Beat column reports: tragedy hit the Yoknapatawpha County Literature Festival pageant when one of the three finalists was found murdered.

  1331 Hits

What happened to a contestant before the winner could be named?

Barbara Dubois was reported missing shortly before her body was found

Incident report

Investigation Day 1 — YCSD Emergency Services received a 911 call reporting a missing person at the Yoknapatawpha County Conference Center in the early morning hours of May 2, 2015.

  1310 Hits

Did the canvass of the Izards' neighbors turn up any new info?

What do the Izards' neighbors know?

1958 County Road 106 canvass

Investigation Day 1 — In 1958, investigators spoke to all of the County Road 106 residents, and later summarized those conversations as well as the results of their attempts to corroborate what the neighbors said.

  1550 Hits

What do these 1958 evidence photos reveal?

Det. McPhail examines the murder weapon

1958 evidence photos

Investigation Day 1 — In 1958, investigators photographed evidence collected in the Izard murders from the crime scene.

What can the photos tell us about the victims and/or the killer(s)?

  1570 Hits

Latent Fingerprint Kit

 $ 44.00

A real print kit, fully stocked with instructions and enough supplies for at least 50 different print lifts.

ForensiKit Subscription Box


$ 44- 54

Explores a different crime scene processing technique each month.

Forensic Science Kit, Missy Hammond Murder

$ 75.00 $ 50.00

Examine the evidence to solve a murder. Dust evidence for prints & test fabric for the presence of blood.

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