By Kudzu Kid Rachel on Wednesday, August 05 2015
Category: Case Chronicle, Kudzu Kids: The Civil War Bone

The Kudzu Kids find a human bone

Surveillance leads to discovery

Caught by UPD

Oxford youths find bone

Kudzu Kids Investigation Day 1 — My name is Rachel McGowan, and I'm 13 years old. My friends Zach Burgess and Mel Cheever live in Oxford, Mississippi, like me and my brother, Hunter.

We were all goofing around in the Grove when we saw some men working at the old Y Building on campus. The building is being renovated, so it's off limits.

Naturally, we decided it would be cool to sneak in and look around. Harmless enough, right?

Well, we found a secret hatch under the floor of a broom closet in the Y Building. Zach reached in and came up with a bone.

Before we had a chance to inspect it, a University police officer found us and confiscated our bone.

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