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Detective T. Nelson

Notes and Alibis for Rose case/Case # 145-92


Edwards, Bob

Case: Rose 145-92

Client of Cupid's Couples

Edwards states that he was in the First National Bank building(his place of employment) from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. on day of murder. Bank time records and witnesses inside the bank confirm Edward's alibi. Edwards may have a good motive due to the fact he lost unsuccessful lawsuit against Cupid's Couples.

Subject interview on 2/13/92-denies any knowledge

Recommend further surveillance of Edwards


Van Moore, Natasha

Case: Rose 145-92

Local call girl

Subject has MS Criminal File 231-009

Van Moore states that she was at lunch on the Oxford square with two other women that she lives with on day of murder. Owner of Ajax restaurant Jason Curtis confirms that the women ate lunch between the hours of eleven and one p.m., and drank a large amount of alcohol during the lunch. Her afternoon hours are unaccounted for. Witnesses are not dependable for confirmation of alibi.

Subject interview on 2/14/92-denies any knowledge

Recommend further surveillance of Van Moore


Clinton, Kelly

Case: Rose 145-92

Business Co-Owner

Clinton states that she was shopping on the Oxford square on day of murder and then returned home around three o' clock. Says that she was contacted by Rose around 4 p.m., who told her of death. Two merchants on Square confirm seeing Clinton around 12 and 2 p.m.

Subject interview on 2/13/92-denies any knowledge

Recommend further surveillance of Clinton


Pomeroy, Dana

Case: Rose 145-92

Business Employee

Pomeroy is part-time worker at dating service where body was found. School records show that she left Oxford High School at two p.m. No motive on Pomeroy's part is readily available. Pomeroy found body and called 911 to report.

Subject interview on 2/13-denies any knowledge

Recommend limited further surveillance of Pomeroy


Morgan, Corinna

Case: Rose 145-92

Former Business Employee

Morgan states that she was working at Cedars Restaurant from 9 until 4 p.m. on day of murder. Time card and testimony of her boss, Mrs. Bobby Ray Douglas, confirms Morgan's alibi. Morgan has possible motive--was fired by owners in December 1991 for breach of trust

Subject interview on 2/13/92-denies any knowledge

Recommend limited further surveillance of Morgan


Rose, Carl

Case: Rose 145-92

Husband of Victim

Rose states that he was at work in his office at Morgan, Morgan, and Rose, on the day of murder. Coworkers confirm that Rose left the building for lunch around 1 p.m. Was contacted at office when body was found at 3:40 p.m. Has insurance policy for $2 million dollars on victim.

Subject Interview on 2/12/92-denies any knowledge

Recommend further surveillance of Rose

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