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Witness Interview: Arlene Melton, traveling with the victim

Tuesday, May 9, 2001 - 11:30 a.m.

In response to a request from the detectives, the witness came into the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Office for a follow-up interview. The interview was recorded on a portable tape recorder with the witness's knowledge and consent.

TA = Detective T. Armstrong
SM = Detective S. Murphy
AM = Arlene Melton

SM: For the record, could you state your name and address?

AM: Arlene Martha Melton. I live at 1088 North Avenue in Atlanta, Georgia. And course, you know I'm staying at the Ole Miss Motel while I'm here.

SM: Thanks for coming in, Ms. Melton. We just have a few follow-up questions for you.

AM: Okay, ma'am, what do you want to know?

TA: Were you aware that Mike carried a gun? A Beretta?

AM: Oh no, sir. Are you sure?

SM: Quite sure. So he never told you he had a handgun or showed it to you?

AM: No, he surely didn't. I can't imagine why he'd carry one. I mean, what was he afraid of anyways?

SM: We were hoping you could shed some light on that. Was there anyone bothering him? Harassing him? That you know of?

AM: No, ma'am. I know he was worried about money and all, but... you s'ppose he borrowed off a loan shark or something like that?

TA: Had you ever seen Mike talk with or spend time with anyone who you might call suspicious?

AM: No. But I didn't spend all that much time with him. He liked to go to bed early a lot and didn't always go out with me and Wenzel. Heck, Wenzel didn't like to stay out late that much either. They're both kinda old, can't hang, you know what I mean? So I went out a lot by myself, y'know? So he or, I guess, they both coulda been around any number of folks without me knowing about it.

SM: You said that, the morning Mr. Michaelis was killed, you had a date for breakfast. Who was that date with?

AM: Somebody I met here, JP. JP Wallace.

TA: JP Wallace, huh? And how did you meet him?

AM: At Home Plate. It's a cute little barbecue place...

SM: We're familiar with Home Plate. When was that? When you met JP Wallace?

AM: I don't know. It was right after we got here. I went in for the happy hour drinks and hors d'oeuvres and he was there. Nice guy. Really nice.

SM: And you made the date for breakfast with him then?

AM: Oh no. I've seen him a couple times since I first met him... you know? I think we set up the breakfast thing the night before... Sunday night. It was one of those spur of the moment things like, let's have breakfast tomorrow, you know?

SM: Where did you have breakfast?

AM: We ate the Huddle House®. Really good country ham and biscuits. And eggs, scrambled with cheese? Have you tried those? It was all really good.

SM: What time was this? How long were you at the Huddle House with Mr. Wallace?

AM: I don't know. I guess I met him about nine or a little earlier and I got back to the hotel about eleven or so. I was out late the night before, so I took a nap when I got back.

TA: You met him or he met you?

AM: I don't know what you mean.

TA: Where did you meet him?

AM: At my motel.

TA: So he came and picked you up?

AM: Yes. Is there something wrong with that?

TA: No, not necessarily, but that makes it more like he met you than you met him. Right?

AM: I guess so. So what?

SM: You said you got back to the Ole Miss Motel at about eleven that morning?

AM: Yes.

SM: We spoke to the housekeeping staff at the motel and the woman who cleaned your room that day said you were not in the room at approximately 11:15 when she cleaned it.

AM: Well, maybe it was later than eleven then. I wasn't really keeping track of the time. It could have been 11:30 or something. I don't know.

SM: Either way, that's a pretty long breakfast.

AM: I guess. I never really thought about it.

SM: Did the two of you go anywhere else besides the Huddle House?

AM: No.

SM: So you spent at least two hours eating breakfast.

AM: Yeah, I guess so.

SM: I see. Are you missing any earrings?

AM: Pardon me, ma'am?

SM: Do you own a pair of half carat diamond stud earrings and are they missing?

AM: Me? Own a pair of diamond earrings? Are you kidding? I wish!

SM: Did Mr. Michaelis own a pair? Did he wear an earring?

AM: Oh my, what have you been smoking, Detective? Mike wear an earring? I just don't think so! He'd never let somebody drill a hole in his ear!

SM: You absolutely sure that Mr. Michaelis never wore an earring?

AM: Oh, I'm sure all right! I'm very sure.

SM: And he never gave you a pair or anyone else you know?

AM: No. Why?

SM: I understand that you went to the Double Decker Festival?

AM: Yes ma'am. Now, that was a lot of fun! Did you go? I really enjoyed it!

SM: I'm glad you enjoyed it. The Tourism Council will be happy to hear their efforts weren't in vain. Did you meet any members of the Kudzu Kings during the festival?

AM: As a matter of fact, I did. I met that cute little ol' Tate. He's a very nice young man, don't you think?

SM: I wouldn't say I know him very well, Ms. Melton. Do you know Tate's last name?

AM: Moore, I think. Tate Moore.

SM: And you hadn't met him before the weekend you arrived in Oxford?

AM: No, I didn't.

SM: Okay. Were you having a sexual relationship with Mr. Moore or Mr. Wallace?

AM: Y'all sure are interested in my love life, ain't you, Detective?

SM: Just answer the question, please.

AM: Well, I guess we messed around a little, but nothing serious.

SM: Which one?

AM: Which one?

SM: Which one did you mess around with?

AM: Oh... both of them.

SM: And when did you do that? Was that during those times when you went back out after you'd returned to the motel with Mr. Michaelis and Mr. Hitzig and led them to believe you were in for the night?

AM: How did you... well, yes. That's when it was.

SM: Okay. Well, thank you again for coming in Ms. Melton. If we have any further questions, we'll contact you. In the meantime, don't leave Oxford.

AM: You're welcome, Detective. Well, bye now. Maybe we'll see y'all down at Home Plate during happy hour? It's a lot of fun.

SM: Well, thanks. We'll keep that in mind. Good afternoon.

End interview 12:03 p.m.

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