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Witness Interview: Merline Weathersby, married to Lyle Weathersby

Friday, June 22, 2001 - 5:15 p.m.

The witness, a thirty-one-year-old female, is employed as a secretary for Wilson Engineering. Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's detectives interviewed her by telephone at her home. The interview was recorded on a portable audio tape recorder with the witness's knowledge and consent.

TA = Detective T. Armstrong
SM = Detective S. Murphy
MW= Merline Weathersby

SM: Thanks for talking to us today. For the record, could you please state your name and address?

MW: My name is Merline Weathersby and I live at 72 Bradley Drive, Mountain Home, Arkansas.

SM: Do you know a woman named Donna Swinney?

MW: No, I don't think I do.

TA: You're sure about that?

MW: Yeah, I believe so.

SM: We have an email that was sent from your Hotmail account to Donna Swinney. Did you not send that email?

MW: Oh, wait a minute. I think I know what you're talking about. I had forgotten the name, but I remember that hussy.

TA: So you do know her?

MW: I've never met the whore, but I found out that she was having an internet affair with my husband. And they were planning on meeting and hooking up in real life, but I put a stop to that, you can be sure.

SM: I can't believe that you would have forgotten the name of a woman that was trying to lure away your husband.

MW: Well, her email address was [email protected] and that was the name she used in the chat rooms. That's what I remember. I hadn't really focused on her real name.

SM: What was the purpose of sending that email?

MW: Simple. I told the floozy to keep her hands off other people's husbands.

TA: Did you threaten her?

MW: You said that you have the email. You know what I said.

SM: Yes. I believe it went something like that she would be sorry if she didn't leave your husband alone.

MW: I'd probably kick her ass. I don't know. I can't say that I had anything planned specifically. I was angry and wanted her to stay away. What's this all about? Is it a crime to tell someone to keep out of other people's marriages?

SM: No, but it is a crime to kill someone.

MW: What are you talking about?

TA: Donna Swinney has disappeared. There's a possibility she was murdered. At a minimum, she was was likely a material witness to another murder.

MW: Oh my god. Look, I didn't have anything to do with that.

SM: Maybe that's what you intended to make her sorry.

MW: Look, you can't really believe that. I was just angry. Wouldn't you be if you found out someone was planning on spending a weekend with your husband?

SM: Maybe you should be angry with your husband.

MW: I was. I can't believe you're suggesting I had anything to do with this. That's crazy.

TA: All we know is that you threatened the lady and then she vanished from the face of the earth.

MW: But that doesn't have a thing to do with me!

SM: Have you ever been to Oxford, Mississippi?

MW: No! Look, I want to talk to a lawyer.

TA: Why? If you didn't do anything, why worry?

MW: Because this is just crazy. And you have no right accusing me of murder or whatever you think happened to that... woman.

SM: We didn't accuse you. We just pointed out the circumstances.

MW: Yeah well, I'm not talking anymore.

SM: That's your right. We can't make you talk to us, not today anyway. Find yourself a lawyer and do it fast though. We'll definitely be talking again soon.

End interview 5:29 p.m.


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