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Witness Interview: Lyle Weathersby, internet friend of Donna Swinney

Friday, June 22, 2001 - 2:27 p.m.

Lyle Weathersby, who is acquainted with Donna Swinney through the internet, consented to a telephone interview with Det. Sam Murphy and Det. Ted Armstrong regarding Donna Swinney's current whereabouts. The interview was recorded on a portable tape recorder with the witness's knowledge and consent.

TA = Detective T. Armstrong
SM = Detective S. Murphy
LW = Lyle Weathersby

SM: Could you state your name and address for the record please?

LW: My name is Lyle Dean Weathersby. I live at 72 Bradley Drive in Mountain Home, Arkansas.

TA: Mr. Weathersby, we appreciate your consenting to this interview and hope to keep it short.

LW: Yeah, that'd be good. I'm at work and only have the one guy out in the lot right now.

SM: The lot? You're talking to us from your RV/SUV dealership in Mountain Home, correct?

LW: Yes ma'am, and we're getting on to the busy time, so if you could just tell me what I can do for the Mississippi police, I'd appreciate it.

SM: We are presently involved in investigating a homicide...

LW: Homicide? I thought you told my secretary this was about Donna's whereabouts. You telling me she's dead now? Oh ****!

SM: This is about the homicide of another person. We are interested in Donna Swinney's whereabouts because we believe she may be a material witness.

LW: Oh, okay. Heck, you sure gave me a start. Okay, so what did you want to ask me?

SM: For starters, what was your relationship with Donna Swinney?

LW: Uh... relationship? Well, we chatted online sometimes. Is that what you mean by relationship? I'm married you know, got a kid and a wife. I don't go around having "relationships" with other women, know what I mean?

SM: So you were just online friends? Is that it?

LW: Exactly. Just chat buddies, you know? Send jokes back and forth and stuff like that.

SM: What kind of things did you chat about? With your buddy, Donna Swinney?

LW: Oh, this and that. Politics. Sports... baseball mostly. She's in a league at her work. Family life, kids... stuff like that.

TA: Did you ever discuss her marriage?

LW: Well, don't think so. She might have made a complaint or two 'bout her old man. But you know how it is, when you're married for a while, you bitch about it sometimes. Don't mean nothing.

TA: You remember any particular complaints that she made about her husband?

LW: Nope, not really. Like I said, just talk.

SM: I should tell you, Mr. Weathersby, we do have possession of Mrs. Swinney's computer and we found an email you sent to her. It seems you were much more than chat buddies.

LW: Okay, so what... is this entrapment or something? Why'd you let me go on like that if you knew?

SM: Knew what?

LW: Okay fine. Yeah, we were more than buddies. She was coming to meet me. I mean, we were going to meet each other. If you saw the email, then I expect you know the nature of our relationship.

SM: Where were the two of you planning to meet?

LW: Down in Tunica. Figured even if things didn't click between us in person, at least we could have some fun at the tables, you know?

SM: You mean in the casinos?

LW: Yeah.

TA: Friends of Mrs. Swinney's said they felt it was serious between you two. Is that right?

LW: There was some heat between us, yeah. But I'm married, she's married... hard to say what would have come of it. I never got the chance to find out. Oh well, her loss. There's lots more where she came from, if you get my meaning.

TA: Did you two meet for your scheduled rendezvouz?

LW: Okay, I guess you didn't get my meaning. The woman stood me up. Just chickened out, I guess. Some of them do, you know. They have second thoughts and all, don't want to do the dirty with anybody they ain't married to. Only in their heads, you know?

SM: Uh huh. So you went to Tunica and Mrs. Swinney never showed up?

LW: That's about the size of it.

SM: How do you know she wasn't there? Would you recognize her if you saw her? Or could it be she was there and just chose not to make contact with you for some reason?

LW: I'd know her if I saw her, I expect. She sent me a couple pictures, if you know what I mean?

SM: When exactly was she supposed to meet you in Tunica?

LW: April 30th.

TA: We have witnesses who say she was in Oxford on April 30th.

LW: So?

TA: So what was she doing in Oxford if she was supposed to be meeting you in Tunica?

LW: Didn't we already cover that? She never showed up in Tunica. How am I supposed to know what she was doing in Oxford?

SM: You know, Mr. Weathersby, Tunica is less than 100 miles from Oxford. Just because Mrs. Swinney was seen in Oxford on April 30th doesn't mean she couldn't have gotten to Tunica later that same day. Do you have any proof she didn't meet you in Tunica?

LW: How in the heck am I supposed to prove a thing like that?

TA: What did you do when she didn't show up? Did you go home?

LW: What, are you kidding? No, I stayed and had myself some fun anyway.

SM: By yourself?

LW: Not the whole time. I might've made a friend or two while I was there.

TA: Oh yeah? Like who? Got any names?

LW: I don't remember. We were more like friends while I was in Tunica and not afterwards, if you get my meaning.

SM: And you don't remember this person's or these people's names?

LW: There was a gal name of Bunny, but I don't know her last name. Don't think I ever did. Wasn't important at the time, if you know what I mean.

TA: How much time did you spend with this Bunny?

LW: Couple days. I headed on back home on Thursday morning. That was the last time I saw ol' Bunny.

SM: Uh huh, and what does your wife think about these trysts of yours? She know about your relationship with Mrs. Swinney?

LW: Hell no! I mean, I didn't tell her...

TA: You wanna stick with that answer?

LW: Okay, okay, yeah I guess she did know about it. Found an email she sent to Donna. I was going ask Donna about it, like what did she say? Or did she answer it, but like I said, never got the chance.

SM: What did your wife say about it? Did she tell you that she'd contacted Donna?

LW: Merline'd never do that. Nope, she don't want to risk her share of the business and all. She's a lot of things, but she ain't stupid. Besides, she only got eyes for me... so, no she wouldn't mention it to me.

SM: So, your wife is aware of your extracurricular activities on the internet, but doesn't mention it because she doesn't want to rock the boat?

LW: That's right.

TA: How many of these type of relationships did you have or do you have?

LW: I don't know. A few. Not all of them want to meet, just want to talk dirty for a while. Actually, Donna's the first one really hot to meet me in a long time. Too bad too, cuz I was really looking forward to taking a taste of that one.

TA: Have you heard from Donna since she didn't show up for your arranged meeting?

LW: Well, like I said, she stood me up. And no, I ain't heard from her. I expect I won't. And you say she ain't home, eh? Maybe she met somebody along the way?

SM: Did she ever mention any other men to you? Anyone she might have had an interest in meeting?

LW: Well, she played the field a might. Her old man is pretty outta touch most of the time from what she said, so I guess he didn't notice.

TA: Were these men she met on the internet?

LW: I think it was half and half. She knew a few around town and I guess she had a couple other internet boyfriends. There were couple guys who seemed interested when we were in the chat rooms. But I never did know if she took up any of their offers.

TA: Any names come to mind?

LW: No, not really. I ain't in the habit of remembering men's names, you know? Besides they all use nicknames and such. Stupid ones like BeaverMan and NookieLover. I mean, come on. How lame is that?

TA: Did Donna ever mention anything to you that might give us an idea of where she might go if she were leaving town?

LW: No sir. She was supposed to be so hot to meet me, I don't remember her saying anything else.

SM: When was the last time you talked to her, either online or email or on the phone?

LW: The night before, well early morning of I guess it was technically, the day she was supposed to leave. Emailed me, said she couldn't wait to see me. Guess that wasn't quite true...

TA: Okay, Mr. Weathersby, thanks for your time. If we have any more questions, we'll contact you.

LW: Yeah, all right. But make sure you call here, not at the home phone, if you don't mind?

SM: We'll bear that in mind. Thanks for your time.

LW: Afternoon, folks.

End interview 3:11 p.m.


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