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Witness Interview: Wenzel Hitzig, victim's business partner and friend

Tuesday, May 9, 2001 - 1:00 p.m.

In response to a request from the detectives, the witness came into the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Office for a follow-up interview. The interview was recorded on a portable tape recorder with the witness's knowledge and consent.

TA = Detective T. Armstrong
SM = Detective S. Murphy
WH = Wenzel Hitzig

SM: Would you please state your name and address for the record?

WH: Wenzel Hitzig. I live at 250 10th Street NE in Atlanta.

SM: Thank you. And thanks for coming in today.

WH: Have you arrested someone? Is that why you asked me to come here?

SM: No, I'm afraid we haven't yet. Actually, we have a few more questions for you.

WH: All right.

SM: Did Mr. Michaelis wear an earring? Or earrings?

WH: No.

TA: Are you sure?

WH: Yes, I'm sure.

SM: We found a motel room key on Mr. Michaelis' person. If he had the key to the room, how did you get back in when you returned to the motel alone?

WH: We both had keys to the room. So we didn't have to be together every moment. You understand?

TA: Were you aware that Mike had a handgun?

WH: Mike? Oh, of course. You've talked to Arlene.

TA: Did you know about the gun?

WH: Yes.

SM: Why did he have a gun?

WH: Achim could be somewhat... paranoid.

SM: What was he paranoid about?

WH: He had this idea that someone was going to try to steal the game from us. That someone might be willing to go to extreme lengths to profit from our hard work.

SM: Did he have someone specific in mind that he thought was trying to steal your game?

WH: No. At least, not that he told me.

SM: Did you have the same concerns? That someone was trying to steal your game?

WH: No, not at all. Achim... well, I just couldn't persuade him that he was worrying about nothing. I tried, but I failed.

TA: Where did he get the gun?

WH: I don't know. In fact, I told him not to tell me.

TA: Was that because you knew he hadn't gotten it legally?

WH: I knew he couldn't get one legally, so I had to assume he'd gotten it some other way. And I didn't want to know anything about it. It was bad enough that he had the gun at all.

TA: When did he get the gun?

WH: Not long after he arrived in the country.

TA: So he got it somewhere in Atlanta?

WH: I would think so, yes.

TA: But you don't know where?

WH: No. As I said, I didn't want to know.

SM: Did he carry the gun with him all the time?

WH: As far as I know, yes.

SM: And it was always loaded?

WH: He said it was. He wanted to be ready for whatever might happen.

SM: But it doesn't appear he even tried to use it when he was attacked at Rowan Oak. How do you explain that?

WH: I can't. I have no idea.

SM: Do you think that Mr. Michaelis could have been killed because of the game?

WH: Anything is possible, I suppose. But who would kill a person over a computer game?

TA: Mike sure seemed concerned about it. Did he know something you didn't?

WH: Achim knew many things I didn't. Did he know something about someone trying to steal the game that I didn't know? I don't know. I don't think so, but it's possible. If he was really worried, he might not have told me. He might have thought he was protecting me.

SM: Was that something he did a lot? Try to protect you?

WH: I couldn't say. If he was holding back information for my protection, how would I know about it?

SM: So do you think there was something to Mr. Michaelis' concerns about the game being stolen or not?

WH: As I said, I always thought he was just being paranoid, but maybe I wasn't being paranoid enough.

TA: You're not really giving us an answer, Wenzel. You're saying no, no one was trying to steal the game, but yes, maybe someone was. So which is it?

WH: I really don't know for sure. And I don't think Achim did either. I'm saying, I don't think anyone was trying to steal the game, but it is possible.

SM: We've found some witnesses who saw you walking back to the motel from Rowan Oak the morning of the murder. They all seem to think you were somewhat agitated at that time. Would that be a correct assessment?

WH: Yes, probably so. I was still very upset about the argument Achim and I had, which was the reason I left him alone at Rowan Oak in the first place. And don't think I haven't regretted that decision ever since.

SM: What do you mean?

WH: I mean, if I'd stayed with him, he might still be alive.

TA: Or you might be dead too.

WH: I suppose that's another possibility.

SM: This was the argument about Arlene you were so upset about?

WH: Yes.

SM: You were so upset that you were talking to yourself as you walked back to the motel?

WH: I guess so. I didn't realize I was doing that, but now that you mention it, I probably was.

TA: And this was all because you were upset over a stripper? There was no other reason you were so upset?

WH: Yes, that was the reason. What other reason could there be?

TA: Maybe you were upset because you'd just killed Mike?

WH: No! I told you before that I did not kill Achim. How many times do I have to say it?

TA: Until we believe you, I guess.

WH: And when do you think that will be?

TA: I don't know. I'll let you know when it happens.

SM: Gentlemen, let's not get unnecessarily confrontational here. Mr. Hitzig, we just have a few more questions and then we'll be finished for today. Okay?

WH: Fine.

SM: When we talked before, you mentioned that Ms. Melton had met several people in town. Do you know who any of them are?

WH: I don't remember their names. I'm not good with names. I never have been.

SM: You told us that she met a member of the Kudzu Kings, the band you went to see at Home Plate. Do you know who that was?

WH: I don't remember his name. He's tall, has long dark hair and a beard. I think that was the guy.

SM: Do you remember the name of anyone she's met?

WH: No.

SM: What about someone named JP?

WH: No, I don't remember that name. Who is he?

SM: When we talked before, you also said that Ms. Melton was having a sexual relationship with both you and Mr. Michaelis. Do you know if she was sexually involved with anyone else?

WH: How would I know that? I'm not her father or her husband. I don't keep track of everyone or everything she does.

SM: I see. We have a witness who told us that Ms. Melton has gone back out a few evenings after you and she and Mr. Michaelis returned to the motel together. Did you know about that?

WH: No... when did she... no, I didn't know that.

SM: Okay, I believe those are all the questions we have for you right now. You'll continue to stay in town for the time being?

WH: Yes.

SM: Thank you, sir. And have a good day.

End interview 1:34 p.m.

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