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Witness Interview: Katherine Dixon, friend and co-worker of Donna Swinney

Friday, June 1, 2001 - 10:30 a.m.

At the request of the Yoknapatawpha Sheriff's Department, this witness, was interviewed at the Home Plate restaurant at 1404 University Avenue, Oxford. The interview was conducted by Det. Ted Armstrong and Det. Sam Murphy and was recorded on a portable tape recorder with the witness' knowledge and consent.

TA = Detective T. Armstrong
SM = Detective S. Murphy
KD = Katherine Dixon

SM: For the record, could you please state your full name and address.

KD: Katherine Jacqueline Dixon, 818 Country Club Circle, Oxford, Mississippi.

SM: Thanks for letting us come by. Hopefully, this won't take too long.

KD: Not at all. Lovely to see you both again. Though I must admit, I'm a little confused as to what you could want to talk to me about.

TA: We have a few questions regarding events leading up to the disappearance of Donna Swinney.

KD: The disappearance of Donna?

SM: Yes, that's right.

KD: How mysterious. What would make you think she disappeared? I mean, why wouldn't you think she left under her own steam?

TA: You think that she left Oxford under her own steam?

KD: Yes, of course. She was finally through with that man and was starting new...

TA: Without her son?

KD: I expect she'll be back for him. I doubt she'd leave him with Cal.

SM: What was her relationship with her husband?

KD: Well, she finally left him. Doesn't that say it all?

SM: Perhaps you could elaborate?

KD: Oh I don't know... Cal isn't really a bad sort, but he wasn't any good for her. He had no ambition, didn't want to change... anything. She finally got tired of it, I expect.

TA: Tired of what?

KD: I don't really like to discuss other people's relationships, you know? I guess she was tired of him never even trying to make more money to support them so she could stay home with Matty. She had to work to help them to make ends meet. She was always asking for extra shifts and all. And he never did any of the little things a woman needs from her man.

SM: Such as?

KD: You know, never sent her flowers or bought her a present just for the heck of it. Never told her she was pretty or sweet or any of the things men need to do to keep their women.

TA: How long have you known Donna?

KD: I met her when she started working for us. A year or so.

SM: Would you say the two of you were friends?

KD: Absolutely. Look, I'll be honest with you. We all knew she was leaving Cal. We gave her a sort of going away party the night before she left.

TA: How long has she been gone? To your knowledge?

KD: I would say it was about four weeks. Maybe a little longer.

TA: Have you heard from her since she left?

KD: No, I haven't.

TA: Anyone else heard from her since that night of the going away party?

KD: Not as far as I know...

TA: Nobody finding that unusual? None of her friends or relatives? Parents? Siblings?

KD: Well, I don't know... I guess I haven't thought of it 'til now. I guess I did kind of expect to hear something from her - a postcard or email or something... Her folks don't live in town and I don't think she has any brothers or sisters.

TA: I see. Do you know where her parents live?

KD: I don't know. I think they live in Louisiana somewhere... Baton Rouge? Her daddy's name is Harold or Herman, I think. He's a restaurant man, a Cajun chef, I think. I never met her parents. You'd have to check with Cal about that.

TA: And no one you're aware of has heard from Donna since the going away party?

KD: No sir, not that I know of.

SM: Do you have any idea where she went?

KD: I'd rather not say.

SM: Please, Ms. Dixon, we aren't trying to get you to betray a friend, but we do need to speak to Mrs. Swinney.

KD: I don't really know exactly... I know she went to meet somebody... a man, I mean.

TA: Do you know this man's name?

KD: His name is Lyle and I think he's somewhere in Arkansas. But that is really all I know.

SM: Is that where she was going to meet him? In Arkansas?

KD: I don't think so, but I don't really know. She never said.

TA: Wouldn't you have expected her to tell you more than that? Why was she being so secretive?

KD: I expect she didn't want Cal to find out where she was... maybe she just thought if she didn't tell anybody all the details, he wouldn't be able to find her and drag her home.

TA: Why would he do that? Had he done that before?

KD: Honestly, I don't know if he would have. Just he's a jealous type and has a temper. I think, back when they were dating, she got mad at him and started seeing some other guy and he pitched a fit. But that was a while ago - years, I guess. I don't know... I don't know Cal very well. He doesn't really appreciate women as people, y'know? More like appendages, if you know what I mean?

SM: Are you saying that Cal is a chauvinist?

KD: If the shoe fits...

SM: Who all was at this going away party?

KD: Most of us from Home Plate... Joe Hampton, Tina Morgan, Freddie Alvarez, Millie Hodges, Isabel Penner, Tom Bridges, me and a few other girls I didn't really know... Kathy somebody and Debbie Markham - friends Donna knew from Matty's school I think.

TA: Can we get in touch with most of these people here at Home Plate?

KD: Yes sir. You really think something is wrong? I mean, with Donna?

TA: We aren't ruling anything out, Ms. Dixon.

KD: I just don't know how to react to that. It would be too awful to think her little boy...

TA: What was her relationship with her son like?

KD: It was good, very good.

TA: Any reason you can think of why she wouldn't have taken her son with her?

KD: Like I said, she was going to meet someone. I guess she didn't think that would be appropriate. Doesn't mean she was abandoning Matty. She loves that little boy. She would never do that.

TA: Given her strained relationship with her husband, why do you think she would she leave her son with her him?

KD: Cal is a good father as far as I can tell. I mean, he didn't beat Donna or Matty or anything like that.

SM: Do you know how Donna met this man she went to meet?

KD: On the Internet, in a chat room. I know, I know, it wasn't that smart. Hell, he could be anybody. But she really thought that maybe he was the one. You know? The one she was meant to be with? When a woman feels that way, ain't nothing going to stop her. All that romantic notion dancing in her head. Happily ever after and all?

TA: Is that what Donna dreamed of? Happily ever after?

KD: Well, of course! Don't all women?

TA: Anyone else she was in contact with on the Internet?

KD: I don't know. I know she made a lot of friends in the chat rooms. I guess some of them could have been men... hard to say. She liked to flirt, at the restaurant, you know? But I don't think she took any of it seriously.

TA: Do you own a pair of diamond earrings?

KD: Yes, of course. Every woman should have at least one pair of good earrings.

TA: Are they missing?

KD: No, I'm wearing them. See?

SM: Did Donna own a pair of diamond earrings?

KD: As a matter of fact, she did. We all pitched in and bought her a pair for her birthday.

SM: Can you describe them?

KD: Half-carat diamond studs with 14-carat gold posts.

SM: Was she wearing those earrings the last time you saw her?

KD: Ah... I don't know. I don't remember.

SM: Okay Ms. Dixon, thanks for your time. If we have anything further, our office will contact you.

KD: Any time.

End interview 11:04 a.m.


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