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Biography: Scott Prein, Rowan Oak groundskeeper

Scott Prein was born to Jim and Natalie Prein in Pontotoc, Mississippi in 1972. Just a couple of years after Scott's birth, his parents separated and Jim left for the northeast. Natalie Prein struggled as a single parent and worked as a waitress, school bus driver, secretary, and other menial jobs in an attempt to provide for her son.

Scott's years in school were unremarkable. He frequently missed school because he simply didn't want to go. Natalie would leave early in the morning to go to work and Scott just wouldn't go. Struggling with the bills led precious little time for parenting in the Prein household.

By the time he was in high school, Scott was several years behind his class. When he reached 16 years of age, he quit school entirely. He picked up odd jobs in grocery stores and on farms for money. The years rolled together with very little for Scott to show for his time besides an old El Camino and a rented mobile home.

In his middle twenties, Scott was arrested for dealing a small amount of marijuana. He had been selling small portions here and there for years, but this was his first arrest. He was only in jail for a couple of months, but it scared him nonetheless. A sympathetic guard helped Scott get a job with the University of Mississippi after his release.

Since he began working at Ole Miss, Scott has been determined to clean up his act. He realizes that wealth and fame are not in his future plans, but he does hope to get a decent job and eventually raise a family.


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