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Ed Pierce
Edward Arthur Pierce was born October 17, 1972, in Denton, Texas, where his mother, Alison Pierce, is a professor of music at the University of North Texas College of Music. Pierce's father, George, works as Denton's city attorney.
In childhood Pierce showed a facility for musical composition as well as for languages, was educated at a bilingual grammar school. In addition to Spanish, Pierce studied French and Latin in high school, where he also served as president of the Theatre Club and played the oboe in the school orchestra.
Upon graduation from high school in 1990, Pierce spent a year on a volunteer exchange program in Panama. He returned in late 1991, volunteering for an adult literacy program and working at an Austin cafe while making plans to attend college. He was accepted at a number of institutions, including Amherst College and Yale University, and chose to attend the University of Mississippi on a partial scholarship.
Pierce matriculated in the fall of 1992. In 1994 he changed his major from Music to a double major in English and Modern Languages, while remaining active in campus music events. Pierce has worked at the campus computer lab since the fall of 1993, although he has not taken course work in computers. He also took theatre classes and briefly considered switching his major to Theatre Arts. In May of 1997 Pierce completed all the necessary course work to graduate save for one three-credit science requirement, which he plans to fulfill in the fall.
Pierce has one older brother, Xavier, age 27, who lives in New York City and works as a system administrator for AT & T.

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