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Witness interview: Dale King, Oxtales assistant director
  Tuesday, March 5, 2002, 12:20 p.m.

The witness, identified as the assistant director of Oxtales Theatre, was interviewed at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department. The interview was conducted by Det. Sam Murphy and Det. Ted Armstrong, and was recorded on a portable tape recorder with the witness's knowledge and consent.

TA = Detective T. Armstrong
= Detective S. Murphy
= Dale King

TA : Thank you for coming in, Mr. King. Just for the record would you please state your name and address?

DK : Dale King. 2162 S. Lamar. Just exactly why did you drag me back in here? I told you everything I could the last time.

TA : Well, sir, we've talked to several other people since you were here and we just need to clear up a few things.

DK : Such as�?

SM : Well, for one thing we'd like to hear it again-- when was the last time you saw Ms. Stover, and who, if anyone was with her?

DK : I told you all that last time.

TA : Well, tell us again.

DK : I saw her at the studio when rehearsal was finished. She was talking to Owen Norris. And Henry was still around, I think.

SM : Did you know where she went after the rehearsal?

DK : I didn't know anything about her after rehearsal except what I heard on the news. That's when I found out she'd gone someplace with her friend Gretchen, then even later to the Oxford Centre.

TA : But you didn't know she was going to these places?

DK : No, I went out for a couple of beers with Frank and Sheila. We went to Murf's. How hard is it to check that out? How would I know where the hell Andrea was? We weren't joined at the hip. In fact, we had very different interests.

TA : And after you left Murf's?

DK : I went home to bed. I have another job, you know. I had to be up. I was scheduled for the early shift at the Garden Center Monday morning.

SM : Do you know anyone who can corroborate that, Mr. King?

DK : Oh, for cryin' out loud, detective. Normal, innocent people don't think about having an alibi for every little thing they do. If I'd known Andrea was going to get herself killed don't you think I would have an iron clad alibi?

SM : OK, Mr. King, calm down, we're just trying to get everything straight. Do you remember if Andrea was wearing anything around her neck that day at the rehearsal?

DK : Oh yeah. She wore it all the time. When she'd get agi

TA ted she'd grab it and just hang on to it or pull on it.

SM : Can you describe it for us?

DK : I don't pay that much attention to jewelry. I think it was silver with a black stone in it. I asked her about it once and she said someone special had given it to her but she wouldn't say who. Didn't you find it after she died?

SM : I'm sorry, Mr. King, we cannot jeopardize our investigation by answering that.

DK : So you didn't! The plot thickens.

TA : We are investigating the murder of a young woman here, Mr. King. It isn't a time for making jokes.

DK : Sorry. I'll try to respect the dead.

SM : Tell us more about the potluck dinner the company had that night. What did you take?

DK : I took dessert. The group always liked whatever I cooked up for them.

SM : What specifically did you bring?

DK : I did rhubarb squares. Two batches -- one with pecans, one without for Andrea. She's allergic to nuts. [Earlier typo corrected]

TA : Did any one complain of not feeling well after the dinner?

DK : Are you insinuating that my cooking made people sick?

TA : No one insinuated anything, Mr. King. Do you think something you cooked made them ill?

DK : Don't be ridiculous. I'm an excellent cook. My cooking has never made anybody sick.

SM : What about someone else's cooking? You weren't the only one who took food that night were you?

DK : Well, That's more like it. Yes, there were several other dishes � a good curry, if I recall. Andrea took a casserole, in fact. She was no great shakes as a cook, so maybe her food made people ill.

SM : Did everyone eat the same thing?

DK : I didn't keep track of what everyone ate. People have such different taste preferences; I doubt every one ate exactly the same thing. Why do you ask?

TA : We're asking the questions here. So get back to my question�Did anyone complain of not feeling well after they ate?

DK : No. Not that I know of, although people were sure testy after dinner. I just thought they were tired and frustrated with the rehearsal.

SM : Mr. King, you state that you went home to bed after your drink at Murf's. Did you go straight home?

DK : Yes, I most certainly did.

SM : So what time did you leave Murf's and what time did you arrive home?

DK : I told you all that.

TA : Well, tell us again.

DK : I left Murf's around midnight and arrived home a few minutes later. It's not that far to my house from Murf's, you know.

SM : Did any one see you arrive at home�a neighbor, perhaps?

DK : No. I don't think anyone saw me, but you could talk to the neighbors. I have a pretty nosey neighbor on one side. She always seems to know what's going on. Mrs. Nesbitt at 2154 S. Lamar.

TA : So you didn't stop for gas, or anything to eat, or send e-mail or talk on the phone?

DK : Oh yeah, I forgot. My brother in San Diego did call me. Rob. I can't remember if it was that night or the night before. It's two hours earlier on the West Coast so it's not late for him. And the long distance charges are cheaper, so he calls me around midnight or even later sometimes. His number is 619-555-4109. He could probably tell you what day and time he called. Or his phone records could be checked couldn't they? I keep telling you I didn't see Andrea after we left the rehearsal. Damn. I wish I'd made sure someone saw me. I keep telling you I wasn't near Oxford Centre that night. Why don't you believe me?

SM :Take it easy, Mr. King, we just have a couple more questions then we'll let you go. When exactly did Owen Norris tell you he was giving the directorship of Oxtales back to Ms. Stover?

DK : It was early in November, I think. I don't remember exactly when.

SM : But it was before Ms. Stover was released from prison I take it.

DK : You take it right. He called me in and just hit me with it. It was a shock, I'll admit.

SM : You must have been very angry after the good job you did with the group while she was incarcerated.

DK : Yeah, I'll admit I wasn't overjoyed. I couldn't believe Owen was going back to producing the senseless garbage Andrea staged over the tasteful and critically acclaimed�Oh, what's the use of talking about it. I got over it.

TA : What were you wearing the night of that last rehearsal?

DK : What do you need to know that for?

SM : The sooner you answer the questions the sooner you can leave, Mr. King.

DK : My God, that was months ago. I don't remember.

TA : Well, maybe we can simplify it for you. Did you wear a jacket or coat after you left the rehearsal and went to Murf's for your drink?

DK : Probably. It was a bit chilly that night as I recall. I only have one winter coat so I probably wore that.

SM : Can you describe it for us, sir?

DK : I don't see what this is getting at.

TA : Just answer the question, King.

DK : All right, all right. It's a very dark blue -- or black-- I never could decide which. It's sort of like a pea coat, I think they call them.

SM : And you don't have any other jackets or coats?

DK : I have a couple of windbreakers, but I don't wear them at night during wintertime. And I have a down jacket.

TA : What color is that?

DK : Light gray.

TA : OK, Mr. King, I think that wraps it up. Thank you for coming in. We'll be contacting you if we need any further information.

DK : Good-bye, then.

End interview 12:56 p.m.

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