[Crime Scene] Are the witnesses telling us the truth?

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DEAR Visitor,

The coroner's office called us last week and said they'd gotten an anomalous result on Veronica Smith's tox screen and they wanted to run another test before issuing their preliminary report.

We don't know what that means yet, but it sounds like another indication that this death isn't what it looked like at first.

In the meantime, we've been talking to more people who knew Dr. Smith, checking up on the people who were close to her, and bugging the crime lab for information.

In this update, we talk to people who can tell us about Veronica's brother-in-law Michael O'Connor and her business partner, Hilton Burns.


See video of Dwight Kramer's interviewDwight Kramer
assistant hospital administrator

Did you see what Dwight Kramer had to say about Veronica Smith?


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Coming this week, we're hoping the coroner will finish up and get us that preliminary report. We'll also hear from Ruthie Foreman, who works at the hospital, and from Veronica's ex-husband. Plus, we're chasing down some other leads that might prove interesting.

It's looking more like Veronica Smith may have been murdered. Who do you think might have wanted her dead and was willing to act on it? Review the case documents and tell us what you think in the comments.

All the best,

Det. Murphy


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