[Crime Scene] What do you want to Ask the Detective?

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DEAR Visitor,

We spoke to Joey Beecher's wife Stacy to see what she could tell us about Joey's activities on the night Philip Fontaine was murdered. Not much progress on that, but she had a lot to say about the Fontaines.

Detective Armstrong and I also tried to talk to Benito Flores to learn more about his relationship with the Fontaine family and Grant Fontaine in particular. He wasn't exactly forthcoming, which isn't too surprising considering how he makes most of his money.

This update includes interviews with and biographies of Stacy Beecher, wife of Fontaine handyman Joey Beecher, and Benito Flores, Raquel Santos' boyfriend and a former Fontaine employee.


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On Thursday, we'll find out more about Philip Fontaine's biggest business rival, Bruno Coleman. Plus, by then, we should have the coroner's report as well as a report about fingerprints found at the crime scene.

It looks like we've only just started to scratch the surface of Philip Fontaine's life and his death. Where do you think we should look next? Review the evidence and let us know what you think, Visitor.

All the best,

Det. Murphy

  Crime Scene • 3440 N 16th St #4, Phoenix, AZ 85016 • 623-565-8573  
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